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Updated 29MAR03
A lot of stuff has been deleted. For the best of 2002 go to the icon below...

Desert Fox Journal is a fascimile of CPT James Crabtree's experiences during what was known affectionately as "Operation Imminent Impeachment" among soldiers.

Some of Captain Crabtree's professional articles are linked here as well. James reviewed Inside Hitler's High Command for ADA Magazine, wrote an article entitled Deception, which is a the story of the Allied deception plan for D-Day. James penned an argument for an Air Defender's badge in An ADA Combat Badge? James' Gulf War Diaries are also available online, although they're hard to read because they're in reverse order. If you go back even further you can read another online article called A Century Of Air Defense written for the 2000 ADA Yearbook. If interested in Air Defense Artillery history and theory try James Crabtree's book On Air Defense Artillery, available from or at Barnes and His other book, Guerrilla Air Defense is available atSpytech.

James has also done book reviews on:

The Two Georges

The Complete Idiot's Guide to Communism

Also see Heidi's review on The Angry Clam. You'll laugh, you'll cry, you'll kiss your money goodbye... for a clam!!!

Older material that directly refers to the current conflict can be found at bin-Laden's War page.

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