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1 Heaven .. 2 Dark Angel .. 3 Fallen Hearts .. 4 Gates of Paradise .. 5 Web of Dreams

Web of Dreams Cover Web of Dreams

With nowhere to go, no one to help her, Leigh fled into the arms of Luke Casteel!

Leigh VanVoreen had to escape from Boston's Farthinggale Manor. The foul secret she harbored within her seemed to darken her life forever. Jillian, her mother, would not believe her... and Tony Tatterton, her stepfather, had betrayed her most cruelly.

But the pure devotion of Luke Casteel promised her hope and respect. Only Luke knew her deepest of secrets... only Luke would love and protect her. Web of Dreams Stepback Bravely she bore the suspicions of the Willies' hillfolk, as she tried to grasp the happiness that had so long eluded her.

Leigh prayed with all her heart that her bright, shining dreams would save her from tragedy at last...

Betrayal... The Casteel curse begins.

Setting: West Virginia and Boston, 1970s
New York Times Bestseller: #1, 12 weeks on list

© 1990 by Virginia C. Andrews Trust. Published by Pocket Books of New York. Inside Stepback Art © 1990 Richard Newton. 432 pages.

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Standing -- Tony, Leigh, Troy
Seated -- Jillian

Do you have an opinion about who's in the picture? Write to me.

"Leigh looks as if she is really upset and kind of standoffish from the rest. Jillian is obviously jealous of Troy because she is glaring at him, and Tony looks like he just did something horrible."
- Chere at

"In the Web of Dreams picture, that is not Tony who's standing next to Leigh, it's Luke. Tony is described as having blond hair and Luke is the one who has a darker complexion. Also, if you look closely, it looks like Leigh is holding hands with the man next to her and she wouldn't be holding hands with Tony. That's Luke."

"I have to disagree to that [BubblyBlue's comment]. I recall Tony being describe with dark hair. That is him and in the cover pic of Dark Angel Tony is there and again with the dark hair."

"I disagree with BubblyBlue, also. Leigh is not holding his hand, because both of her hands are holding the doll. Also, if that was Luke, why in the world would he be wearing a suit? Tony always wore suits, but not Luke."

"I am sorry bubblyblue but they are right. But I do not understand one thing, the stories say Heaven looked a lot like Leigh except the hair. But Heaven looks nothing like Leigh."

"I have to agree that in the picture, Leigh looks nothing like Heaven at all. I think it must be Tony in the picture however, even though that is not at all how I had him pictured."

"How come Leigh's doll has blonde hair here but in (Heaven) Heaven is holding a dark haired doll?"