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Who or What Am I?
With thieves I consort,
With the vilest, in short,
I'm quite at my ease in depravity;
Yet all divines use me,
And savants can't lose me,
For I am the center of gravity.
Who or what am I???
Riddle Answer


How Old Is She?
When asked how old she was, Suzie replied, "In two years I will be twice as old as I was five years ago." How old is she?
Riddle Answer


Drawer Full Of Socks
I have a drawer full of socks. There are 10 socks of each color, red, green, brown and grey, evenly mixed. In the morning, when it is very dark, I need to pull out a pair of socks of the same color. How many must I pull out of the drawer to ensure that I have at least one pair of matching socks.
Riddle Answer


Who Owns The Egg?
Alec, Bill and Charles, were three neighboring farmers. Alec had a peacock which, one day, laid an egg in Bill's car, while it was parked on Charles' land. All three man claimed the egg. Alec says it was his because his peacock laid it. Bill said it was his because it was laid in his car. Charles said it was his because it was laid on his land. To which of the three should the egg rightfully belong?
Riddle Answer


Unreliable Clock
You have the misfortune to own an unreliable clock. This one gains exactly 22 minutes every hour. It is now showing 10:15am and you know that is was correct at midnight, when you set it. The clock stopped three hours ago, what is the correct time now?
Riddle Answer


A Whole Bunch of Carrots
A grocer has to place 28,121 carrots into bags, each bag containing the same number of carrots and using as few bags as possible. How many bags are used?
Riddle Answer


Alpha Numerical
Assign every letter of the alphabet its numerical value: A=1, B=2, C=3, and so on, up to z=26. Can you think of a familiar 7 letter word whose letter values total only 21?
Riddle Answer


Straight and True
A number that can be written in capital letters made up of straight lines only - for instance, 9 - is called a straight number. If the value is equal to the number of lines that comprise it, it is called straight and true or 'orthonymic'. Can you find one? NINE has 11 straight lines.
Riddle Answer


How Many Bottles of Beer?
Over a month five friends buy bottles of beer as follows: John buys 80 more bottles than Bob and Bob buys 67 less than Camile. Emily buys 19 more bottles than Darly whilst Camile buys 38 more than Emily. If Bob and Emily buy a total of 39 bottles between them, how many bottles are bought altogether?
Riddle Answer


How Many Are at the Big Party?
There are 6 places set at each table for the big outdoor party. All of the tables and chairs have 4 legs each, and altogether, the tables and chairs have a total of 196 legs. If there is one place set for each person who will attend, how many people are expected to come to the big party?
Riddle Answer


Who is Dimitri Mendeleyev?
1.Former ruler of Russia
2.The first person to create a star chart
3.The doctor that invented the polio vaccination
4.He made the Periodic Table of Elements
Riddle Answer


In What Book of Fiction Will You Find The Battle of Cowshed?
1.War and Peace
3.The War in 2020
4.Animal Farm
5.Saturday The Rabbi Went Hungry
Riddle Answer


Who had the first speaking part in the Star Wars trilogy?
1.Darth Vader
2.Luke Skywalker
3.Han Solo
4.Princess Leia
Riddle Answer


What is the name of the only United States Navy vessel to be hijacked and never recovered on the high seas... and when?
1.U.S.S. Liberty, 13 December, 1967
2.Bonhomme Richard, 25 September, 1779
3.U.S.S. Pueblo, 23 January, 1968
4.U.S.S. Richland, 14 February, 1964
5.U.S.S. Trinity, 16 July, 1945
Riddle Answer


Jefferson Memorial Inscription
Which of the following phrases, present in the original U.S. Declaration of Independence, is omitted from the version inscribed on the wall of the Jefferson Memorial in Washington, DC?
1.Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it
2.Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes
3.None of these phrases are inscribed on the Memorial wall
4.He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavoured to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages
5.When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another
Riddle Answer


How long was the Gettysburg Address?
1. 270 words, 10 sentences
2. 271 words, 11 sentences
3. 280 words, 11 sentences
4. 270 words, 12 sentences
5. 271 words, 10 sentences
Riddle Answer


It Takes A Village
Village A currently has a population of 6,800 and its population is decreasing at a steady rate of 120 persons per year. Village B currently has a population of 4,200, and its population is increasing at a steady rate of 80 persons per year. After how many years will the two populations be the same?
(A) 13
(B) 15
(C) 17
(D) 20
(E) 26
Riddle Answer


When I Am Filled....
When I am filled
I can point the way,
When I am empty
Nothing moves me,
I have two skins
One without the one within.
Who/what am I?
Riddle Answer


Two Words
Two words, my answer is only two words.
To keep me, you must give me.
What/Who am I?
Riddle Answer


Half of Two Plus Two
Is half of two plus two equal to two or three?
Riddle Answer


The Letter "I"
There are 9 countries in the world that begin with the letter "I." Can you name all of them?
Riddle Answer


How Is It Written?
If nine thousand nine hundred nine dollars is written as $9909, how should twelve thousand twelve hundred twelve dollars be written?
Riddle Answer


How Many Legs?
There are 3 men and 3 women, sitting at a table in a romper room; each has 6 boxes originally containing 144 rolls of toilet paper, in each boxes there are now an average of 6 tomcats, each having an average of 6 tomkittens. How many legs are there?
Riddle Answer


Camel Race
An Arab sheikh tells his two sons to race their camels to a distant city to see who will inherit his fortune. The one whose camel is slower will win. The brothers, after wandering aimlessly for days, ask a wise man for advise. After hearing the advice they jump on the camels and race as fast as they can to the city. What does the wise man say?
Riddle Answer


Never Frozen
It's the only vegetable or fruit that is never sold frozen, canned, processed, cooked, or in any other form but fresh. What is it?
Riddle Answer


Reach First Base
There are six ways a baseball player can legally reach first base without getting a hit. Taking a base on balls -- a walk -- is one way. Name the other five.
Riddle Answer

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