Still My Spirit, Lord
~Barbara Jenkins (1970's)

People busy, moving, going
"Entertain me", they say.
"Give me lots of things to buy
And some way to spend my day.
I don't want time to think,
It depresses me so.
What can I buy next?
Where can I go?"


But amid all this hustle and bustle
There is something inside of me
Yearning to have time alone
To commune, God, with Thee.

I love my family and my friends
And life with its many thrills.
But, Father, I must have time with you.......

To Let You My Spirit Fill


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Move your cursor over the picture to create water swirls....
Sit back and be refreshed by His Spirit.

Music: "Heaven's Heartbeat" by Don Gilman


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Spring/Easter pages

I Want to Fly
My Confession
Were You There ?
What's the Matter with your Hands, Mister?
Do You Believe in Easter ?
Ultimate Love
King Jesus
The Cross
Butterfly Whispers
Tribute to Spring