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First Generation:

Isaac Harris

Second Generation:

Benjamin Harris

* * * * * Harris

* * * * * Harris

* * * * * Harris

* * * * * Harris

* * * * * Harris

Third Generation:

* * * * * Harris

* * * * * Harris

* * * * * Harris

* * * * * Harris

* * * * * Harris

Fourth Generation:

* * * * * Harris

* * * * * Harris

* * * * * Harris

* * * * * Harris

* * * * * Harris

Fifth Generation:

* * * * * Harris

* * * * * Harris

* * * * * Harris

* * * * * Harris

* * * * * Harris

Harris Family Ancestry Page

Benjamin Harris

The "Impossible Search"

All some descendants of the Benjamin Harris family line knew, for many years, was that Benjamin Harris, Silas Harris, and Zachariah Harris and their respective spouses were "of the Pendleton District, South Carolina." We had been told that Benjamin was born in Southampton County, Virginia, but we had never seen the documentation, nor had we been able to get copies of the information passed on verbally. A statement had been made that Benjamin died in "White County, Virginia." There is no White County in Virginia, and never has been. Virgina records for Isle of Wight County, Whythe County, and Southampton County were researched, to no avail.

To be sure, some cousins had received the correct information, that Benjamin died in White County, Tennessee, and either had or had seen a copy of his will. This will, obtained from the County Clerk in Sparta, TN, provides considerable information about the family of Benjamin Harris. Since some extended family members still may not have a copy of this document, we have transcribed it for the benefit of all.
We benefit from research on other Harris lines

A number of our distant cousins who descend from Benjamin Harris's brothers or sisters, uncles or aunts, have not been idle in searching out the family roots. A good portion of the information we now have on Benjamin's family has been documented by some of these cousins. We have provided links to some of these sources in the Harris Family Ancestry page devoted to Isaac Harris, Benjamin's father.
Family Group Sheet for Benjamin's Family

We have included an ASCII Text file of a Family Group Sheet for the family of Benjamin Harris that came to us through George A. Harris.

Still under construction

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Direct comments to: Doug Paulson, webmaster, e:mail address (

This page last updated September 1, 2001

© 2001 Isaac Harris Descendants,
Doug Paulson, Webmaster,
All Rights Reserved.

What this copyright means is that you
can't copy this material for commercial gain.
Family members may copy items for personal use
and genealogical research. All manuscripts
reproduced on this site used by permission of
the respective authors, (e.g., copyright owners).