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First Generation:

Isaac Harris

Second Generation:

Benjamin Harris

Third Generation:

Silas Harris

Fourth Generation:

Zachariah Harris

Fifth Generation:

William Jasper Harris, Sr.

Harris Family Ancestry Page

Zachariah Harris

The Critical Link
In continuing efforts to locate and document information on ancestors of William Jasper Harris, the webmaster had posted some information about the family of Zachariah Harris to some genealogy websites in about 1997-98. This has generated occasional requests for information, quite often related to someone of that name in much more recent generations. However, in 2001, along came an e:mail from George A. Harris, who happens to be descended from our Zachariah Harris's namesake, an uncle of our Benjamin Harris. Our family line had come to a dead end with Benjamin Harris, and here we had a contact who knew not only who Benjamin's father was, but also all members of his family! Subsequently, George A. Harris mailed a copy of a research paper by Garda Hodgson , linked to our Isaac Harris page, that provided a wealth of information about Zachariah and his ancestral family.
Family Group Sheet for Zachariah's Family
We have included an ASCII Text file of a Family Group Sheet for the family of Zachariah Harris that came to us through George A. Harris. One item of special interest is that his wife's surname is the same as his mother's surname. In a letter quoted in one of the research papers, we learn that Zachariah married a sister of his mother's father.
Biography of Emily Hill Harris Smoot
In the late 1990s, The Daughters of the Utah Pioneers were planning to publish a volume of brief biographies of Pioneer Women, and put out a request for articles to be included in it. Cousin Carole Call King responded with a fairly complete biographical sketch of Zachariah Harris's wife, Emily Hill Harris Smoot. The promised book had so many contributions that they all were edited to fairly consistent, but short, entries. The one based on Carole's input (and perhaps that of other contributors) is in Volume II, page 2853, of Pioneer Women of Faith and Fortitude, put out by the DUP, printed by Publisher's Press in 1998. You may read Carole's original article here , which we have used with her permission.

Still under construction

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Direct comments to:
Doug Paulson (webmaster), e:mail address (

© 2001 Isaac Harris Descendants,
Doug Paulson, Webmaster,
All Rights Reserved.

What this copyright means is that you
can't copy this material for commercial gain.
Family members may copy items for personal use
and genealogical research. All manuscripts
reproduced on this site used by permission of
the respective authors, (e.g., copyright owners).

This page last updated June 25, 2001