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The main image and the few following pictures of Leslie and Kazuhiro Nishijima are from Ming Pao Weekly and Stark Impressions. I love the MTV video for "Bewildered"! It shows Leslie's passion to direct! He is very talented as we have seen in smaller venues. Dearest GorGor, we want you to be happy and fulfilled! Cannot wait to see your first feature film as a director! Many thanks to Nadia for allowing me to use pics on Leslie Pillow.

Kazuhiro performed with Leslie on his Passion tour

Doesn't he have the warmest smile?

What a beautiful man!

This is a Chinese custom of praying to the gods before a show.

A couple of my favorite older pictures of him. So you who are newer fans can see the difference. He just becomes more handsome with time.

Both fairly recent photos from Apple Daily. One is from the press conference in Japan for Okinawa Redezvous. The other I'm not sure, but it's cute. Of course, he's always cute, isn't he?

Oh, to be so close to him! First is from Apple Daily. The second is from "Temptress Moon". Mmmmmmm!

On the set of "Viva Erotica" the director allowed him to direct a scene.I think some of his directors have been very generous and allowed him to get a sense of what it is like. Besides, how can you say no to GorGor?

Some favorite pics from "Temptress Moon".

Some Favorite Links

Passions 2
Leslie And Friends
Going Bananas Over GorGor
Leslie Pillow
Love GorGor
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