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Passions 2

The main image is from Leslie Pillow. Many thanks to Nadia for allowing me to use pics from her wonderful page! Are you ready for some concert pics now?

The above are from Leslie's 1997 concert. And, yes, Shi Qu aka Hsu Chi has been on the scene before she teamed up with Jackie in "Gorgeous". Leslie worked with her in "Viva Erotica". I have to say these are hotter than most of the concert pics, but it's all relative, isn't it? Enjoy!

From the Passion Tour...this is my favorite outfit, but you can't help but love them all!

Oh, Dearest GorGor! The tears! From Next Media.

I love to see him in his bathrobe from And, of course, before the long hair.

Awwwww....this is the white bathrobe I remember from my vcd! Isn't he an angel?

GorGor and TongTong as they left after the concert. They partied until very early in the a.m.! GorGor looks so happy!

Some Favorite Links

Leslie And Friends
Going Bananas Over GorGor
Leslie Pillow
Love GorGor
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