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Here you will find different links to different contest related things.
Contests- Is the diffrent contest my site House of Dollz will be holding (not holding any yet)
Contest entries- Will be where I put the contest entries I receive for the different contests I hold, and it's where you will vote when it's time.
My Entries- If you haven't guessed will be where I put my contests entries the ones I enter into diffrent contests. Check 'em out and if you like them vote when it's time.
SOTM- Is Site of the Month here at House of Dollz now I just started doing this and My first site of the month is well August so if you would like to go there and see who won it go ahead. Also it will have why I picked them to be site of the month, some of their dollz I like, a link to the site, and perhaps if their layout is a reason I picked it then it will show a smaller version of the layout.
Contest entries
My Entries
Site of the month