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Singapore Borneo Cabarlah Hong Kong Down Memory Lane




Just a series of photos from around the Cabarlah area over the years.

1MD band - Freedom of city 2001.jpg (390024 bytes) Night out at The Western Hotel - Bob [RC] Howell [I think].jpg (93851 bytes) Olds and Bolds on parade at Cabarlah.jpg (61738 bytes) OR's Christmas party Cabarlah 1968 - Dennis Nicholson.jpg (95239 bytes) Le Dog holds the fort [and the plonk] in the WRAAC rec room 1969 - Dennis Nicholson.jpg (94492 bytes)
R A Signals banner on parade at Cabarlah - Mike Conaghan.jpg (56032 bytes) Regiment on parde, May85 - Mike Conaghan.jpg (54647 bytes) Roy Grace, Peter Weirsmith at 50th - Mike Conaghan.jpg (59050 bytes) rubberfrog conducting the 1812 - Cabarlah 1969 - Dennis Nicholson.jpg (96140 bytes) Le dog and The Frog in my room c1969 - grog in the lines - never.jpg (84827 bytes)
Mike Conaghan and Roger Harrison at an Anzac Day function - Mike Conaghan.jpg (36951 bytes) The Brothers Grace at the 50th - Mike Conaghan.jpg (39919 bytes) Topowoomba pub crawl - one of the rare pictures with both Bob Howells in it.jpg (107277 bytes) Army centenary banner paraded through Toowoomba 2001.jpg (168244 bytes) Australian Army centenary banner paraded at Freedom of City 2001.jpg (374675 bytes)
Parade commander answers challenge - freedom of City 2001.jpg (356776 bytes) The scrolls of the 3 units unfurled at freedom 2001.jpg (345496 bytes) Freedom of the City 1988 - Bob Fry.jpg (186720 bytes)   The corps banner on parade - Freedom of City 1988 - Bob Fry.jpg (250391 bytes)

For a look at some EW photos, follow the hyper link to 72 Sig Sqn [EW]



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