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Down Memory Lane
Singapore Borneo Cabarlah Hong Kong Down Memory Lane




No prizes for recognising any of the gear on this page

WS62 recognising this gives you immediate OLDFART status.jpg (98716 bytes) a510rx OLD FART status if you recognised it.jpg (73533 bytes) a510tx.jpg (77853 bytes) a510complete.jpg (64969 bytes)
c11r210.jpg (9629 bytes) c42.jpg (38750 bytes) Collins 51J4 receiver.jpg (77935 bytes) Ferrograph tape deck which all voicies will know.jpg (10751 bytes)
Kleinschmidt.gif (29645 bytes) Racal RA17.jpg (25596 bytes) Racal RA121 which all Voices will recognise.jpg (7887 bytes) Racal RA1217.jpg (28616 bytes)
Racal RA217.jpg (30971 bytes)     The Murray code.jpg (81041 bytes)




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