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Hong Kong
Singapore Borneo Cabarlah Hong Kong Down Memory Lane




The Regiment maintained a small detachment in Hong Kong for over twenty years during the latter part of the 20th Century. Members were attached to the British Government Radio Station - CSOS Little Sai Wan on the north east tip of Hong Kong island, and also in the New Territories.

CSOS Little Sai Wan c1976 - pic courtesy of Jack Rose FRPS - on of the Brit Civvies.jpg (106062 bytes) Darryl houghton Kev Carter Frank O'donnell Keith Zeller and their respective ladies - the first group into Hong Kong - Kev Carter.jpg (71550 bytes) FOD Kev Carter Zug and their ladies - the first New Years Eve in Hong Kong - Kev Carter.jpg (90348 bytes) Hilltop Mansions 1974 - Dennis Nicholson.jpg (95560 bytes) Hong Kong harbour from Hilltop Mansions 1974 - Dennis Nicholson.jpg (93282 bytes)
Hong Kong harvout view from Hilltop Mansions 1974 - Dennis Nicholson.jpg (73385 bytes) Scenic Villas - Sandy Bay Hong Kong 1975 - DennisNicholson.jpg (87780 bytes) Boat Trip - Jim Kanowski, Trev Williamson - Joe Flynn.jpg (121532 bytes) Boat trip 79-80 - Joe Flynn.jpg (113673 bytes) Brenda Fane - Joe Flynn.jpg (111502 bytes)
Brenda Fane and Darby Munro - Joe Flynn.jpg (139019 bytes) Darb, sue and geordie Pepper - Joe Flynn.jpg (140313 bytes) Dining with the boss - Joe Flynn.jpg (93532 bytes) Geordie Pepper HK 1980 - Joe Flynn.jpg (104178 bytes) Joe and Brenda - Joe Flynn.jpg (99036 bytes)
Needs no explanation - Connaught Centre still falling to bits - Joe Flynn.jpg (150555 bytes) Party time in HK1 - Joe Flynn.jpg (134816 bytes) Party time in HK2 - Joe Flynn.jpg (96276 bytes) party time in HK3- Joe Flynn.jpg (38300 bytes) Sam Rogers, Delia Rogers, Clem Foster - Joe Flynn.jpg (150122 bytes)
TA staff Hong Kong 1980 -  Joe Flynn.jpg (142714 bytes) View to North Point Tram - Wall to wall peopoe - wall to wall rubbish - Joe Flynn.jpg (180797 bytes) Sam Rogers, Jean and Joe Flynn.jpg (118572 bytes)   Wives - Dragon Boat Day - Stanley 1980 Joe Flynn.jpg (158674 bytes)



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