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(Frequently Asked Questions)

Where is your theme park? Can I visit it?
If your theme park is only imaginary, then where did you get all those photos?
Will there ever be a real Harry Potter theme park?
Where are they going to put the Harry Potter theme park? I think it should be in my city!
Some of these characters are dead. How can they be characters in a theme park?
Why don't you have movie info, descriptions of characters, or more info about the books?
Why don't you have more images from the movie or books?
What's up with this blotchy yellow background?
I love your images, ideas and/or text. Can I use them on my own web page?
Are you J. K. Rowling? If not, do you know how I could reach her?
Why should I bother to sign the guest book? What's in it for me?
I have an idea for an attraction or page you should add to your web site. How do I tell you?
Do you have any plans to add activities to your web site in the future?


Where is your theme park? Can I visit it?
Our theme park is entirely imaginary. It exists only in cyberspace and in our heads. It's not a real place. So, if you want to visit it, you'll have to use your imagination, just as you did when you read the Harry Potter books. Luckily, most of you have excellent imaginations.


If your theme park is only imaginary, then where did you get all those photos?
We took photos of attractions at several real theme parks, festivals, and tourist sites. In some cases, we digitally altered our own photos to make them look more authentic. If you'd like to know what the photos are really pictures of, read our Photo Credits and Secrets. You'll find the link at the bottom of our Attractions Photos page. And if you have any photos of places or rides that you think would make a great addition to our website, send them in.


Will there ever be a real Harry Potter theme park?
We can't answer that. We're just a fan site. Only Warner Bros. (AOL-Time/Warner) can say for sure. (See our Very Thorough Disclaimer for more information.) Warner Bros. has mentioned the possibility of building a Harry Potter theme park, or perhaps a Harry Potter attraction at one of their currently existing theme parks, but they have made no official announcements of plans to build as of yet. Maybe they will; maybe they won't. We'll just have to wait and see. Until then, you can always Dream!


Where are they going to put the Harry Potter theme park? I think it should be in my city!
Again, only AOL-Time/Warner can decide if, when, and where to build a Harry Potter theme park. There are lots of reasons why some locations would be more logical than others, but AOL-Time/Warner will of course need to review the financial considerations above all else. The fact that they're an American company might come into play, too. But if they did decide to build one, and it was located in a country far away, there would always be the possibility that they'd build a second one somewhere else if the first were successful. So don't despair!

In the meantime, you can cast your vote for where Harry Potter's World of Magic Theme Park should be located by taking our Location Poll. But remember, it's just for fun! We don't have millions of dollars in a Swiss bank account, so we can't really build a theme park in the location you select. Even so, if the thought of some- one building a Harry Potter theme park in some "foreign" country burns you up, you might get a little comic relief from our Brits vs. Yanks Location Battle page.


Some of these characters are dead. How can they be characters in a theme park?
Harry Potter's World of Magic Theme Park doesn't exist at any one particular moment. Its existence is the sum of all the events that happened to Harry and to his magical world in the books. Even though Cedric died in Book IV, he is still a part of Harry's world and therefore he "lives on" at our theme park. Likewise, some of the bad guys reappear even though they're dead and gone, such as Quirrell. In the World of Magic, events that occur only once in the books would be re-enacted on a daily basis, and characters who are long gone would be marching in the parade with those who are yet to appear. You might say it's... Magic!


Why don't you have movie info, descriptions of characters, or more info about the books?
There are already hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Harry Potter sites that have pictures from the movies, profiles of the actors, descriptions of characters, lists of spells, meanings of character names, information on Hogwarts Houses, and other details drawn from the books. While we think this stuff is fun, we see no point in doing the same thing everyone else has done. Besides, you already know who all the characters are, don't you? We're more interested in offering something original, something you won't find everywhere else.


Why don't you have more images from the movie or books?
We do have several clip-art images from the book, most of which we have scanned ourselves. We adore Mary GrandPré's illustrations, but we can't use them all! We have mostly avoided pictures from the movie, however. We prefer to add images that you haven't seen everywhere. That's why we've made so many of our own images. 


What's up with this blotchy yellow background?
Our blotchy yellow background is parchment, of course! Just as Harry's first invitation into the wizarding world was written on a piece of parchment, so is your invitation to visit Harry Potter's World of Magic Theme Park. And no, it's not a Howler. (Surely you witches and wizards know Howlers come in red envelopes?) Where did we get our parchment background? We made it!


I love your images, ideas and/or text. Can I use them on my own web page?
We do not claim ownership of any of the characters, places, or things in the Harry Potter books or of the familiar Harry Potter images that come from the books or the official web site. However, much of what you see in our pages (including the theme park design, ideas for our top ten lists, many of the images, etc...) were created by us and cannot be used without permission. If you ask politely, we'll probably give you permission to use excerpts or certain sections of our work, provided that you give us credit for it and include a link back.

The exception is our Banners and Magic Badges. You may copy / download any of our banners or buttons to be used as a link back to us without asking permission. And Magic Badges obtained in the proper manner (that is, by signing our guest book or linking to us) may be used in your web page as is, without having to ask. These must be copied / downloaded rather than simply linked to, however. Angelfire considers "remote loading" of images bandwidth theft, and you would not be pleased with the results. And please do not disassemble our banners, buttons, or badges and use parts or sections of them in your web pages. They must be used as is (that is, whole) or not at all.


Are you J. K. Rowling? If not, do you know how I could reach her?
No, we're not J. K. Rowling. Wouldn't you think that J. K. Rowling would be a little too busy to spend time creating a fictional theme park and chatting with visitors? And no, we don't know her personally, and we have no idea how to reach her. Ditto for all the HP movie actors. Sorry!


Why should I bother to sign the guest book? What's in it for me?
Like most other fan sites and "home pages," we like to receive positive feedback, thoughtful comments, and helpful suggestions from our visitors. Plus, many fans also get a kick out of signing; it's a bit like graffiti in that they get to leave their own mark, tell which house they're from, and make their feelings known. Besides, you never know when AOL-Time/Warner might happen upon our little website and browse through our guestbook to see how our visitors feel about the idea of a Harry Potter theme park.

Also, if you have your own web page, you can tell us about it and give us the url so others can visit it, too. This means that signing our guest book might lead to increased traffic for you! In addition, visitors who sign our guest book and include their e-mail receive a thank you note telling them how and where to get free Harry Potter downloads that we designed ourselves. (Our "Magic Badges.") In other words, signing the guest book only takes a few moments, and it offers rewards for everyone!


I have an idea for an attraction or page you should add to your web site. How do I tell you?
We love hearing ideas and suggestions from our visitors. And while we can't implement them all, they're still fun to hear. If you have an idea you'd like to share, you can either mention it when you sign the guest book, or you can send us an owl.


Do you have any plans to add activities to your web site in the future?
Of course! We're constantly coming up with new ideas and working on them. But most take a little while to implement, so hang in there. Some of the things we're hoping to add in the future include: an "extension" of the theme park now that Book V (HP & the Order of the Phoenix) is out, more tips on how to have a super Harry Potter party (we have some experience with this!), some Book V quotes to enhance our Who Said It? quiz, notes from Madame Pince about the fantasy fiction in our Hogwarts Library Muggle Studies reading list, and much more. So do come back!
