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Let's walk along this canal.

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Photo by Kyle Simon

I don't see it. How about this other canal?

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Photo by Zach Cantrell

So many canals. No wonder St. Petersburg has been called the "Venice of the North."

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Photo by Stephanie Carrie

Hey, there's a monument to Russian composer Mikhail Glinka!

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Photo by Candice McDougall

And here's where John Quincy Adams, the first American ambassador to Russia, lived and worked.

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Photo by Candice McDougall

Here's where Russian poet Alexander Blok lived and died.

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Photo by Anthony Qualin

Aha, there's the famous little bird.

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Photo by Anthony Qualin

That's it? That's the Chizhik Pyzhik? Somehow I thought it would be bigger. Make a wish!



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