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Ah, so you couldn't abandon the tour guide with the beautiful hair. Understandable.

(Click on a picture to see it full-sized.)

The first stop is Tsarskoe Selo, where Peter the First had a palace built for his daughter, Catherine. The name Tsarskoe Selo was changed after the end of the Romanov reign to Pushkin, after Russia's beloved poet Alexander Pushkin, who lived at Tsarskoe Selo for a while.

Peter48BA.jpg (74555 bytes) Meredith, Jayna, Greta, and Ben wait for the group at Tsarskoe Selo. Photo by Ben Atkinson.
Petersburg02.jpg (35400 bytes) Catherine's Palace. Photo by Candice McDougall.
Petersburg03.jpg (21375 bytes) Joe blends in nicely here. Photo by Candice McDougall.
Peter49BA.jpg (72694 bytes) The formal Catherine Garden at Tsarskoe Selo. Photo by Ben Atkinson


Now we will hop on a train out to Peterhof, where we can find the Summer Palace of Peter the Great. Peter had it built here to commemorate his victory over Sweden in the Battle of Poltava.

Peter57BA.jpg (73555 bytes) Peterhof is famous for its numerous gold-covered fountains, all which run entirely on gravity, without pumps. Photo by Ben Atkinson.
Peter18AQ.jpg (68078 bytes) Alisa, Cassidy, Sara and me at Peterhof. Sara has a fountain coming out of her head. Photo by Anthony Qualin.
Peter17AQ.jpg (82769 bytes) Sara and I try to run through a trap without getting wet. We were unsuccessful. Joke's on you, though, it began to rain and we all got soaked anyway. Photo by Anthony Qualin.
Peter09BA.jpg (69991 bytes) View from the Summer Palace. Photo by Ben Atkinson

Sasha: Well, that concludes our tour for today. Are there any questions?
Sara: Yes. Why is your hair so beautiful, and can I touch it? I guess that's two questions.

Photo by Stephanie Carrie


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