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PetersburgZC01.jpg (70939 bytes) St. Petersburg is a city of water, built on islands where the Neva River runs into the Gulf of Finland. Here we see the sun "setting" on the Gulf. Photo by Zach Cantrell
Petersburg05.jpg (105203 bytes) The embankment of the Neva River invites Petersburgers to relax and enjoy their city. Here, an artist paints the Neva. Photo by Candice McDougall
Petersburg04.jpg (20086 bytes) Peter and Paul Fortress, once famous for holding political prisoners, remains a tourist attraction. Photo by Candice McDougall
Petersburg01.jpg (22338 bytes) One of two lighthouse towers along the Neva with, I think, torches on the tops of them, which guide ships down the river when the nights are not so white. Photo by Candice McDougall
Petersburg09.jpg (86714 bytes) St. Isaac's Cathedral. Photo by Candice McDougall
Peter43ZC.jpg (38349 bytes) The Bronze Horseman, a monument to Peter the Great (and Catherine the Great, according to the base,) written about in Alexander Pushkin's famous poem by the same name. Photo by Zach Cantrell
Petersburg06.jpg (137776 bytes) The Winter Palace, home of the famous Hermitage museum. Photo by Candice McDougall
Peter36KS.jpg (47265 bytes) The Palace Square, behind the Winter Palace. Photo by Kyle Simon
Peter28SC.jpg (53679 bytes) Nevsky Prospect. This has long been the central avenue in St. Petersburg, and is still a popular place to shop, eat, and just hang out and walk around. Photo by Stephanie Carrie
Peter29SC.jpg (44315 bytes) Cathedral of Our Lady of Kazan. Photo by Stephanie Carrie
Peter19SC.jpg (66181 bytes) The Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood, built on the site where Alexander II was assassinated. Photo by Stephanie Carrie
Peter50BA.jpg (92272 bytes) Beautiful mosaics cover the walls and ceilings inside the church. Photo by Ben Atkinson
Peter01BA.jpg (67141 bytes) Chris, Sara, Dr. Qualin, Caitie, and me inside the Church of the Savior on Spilled Blood.  This church has never been used to hold religious services. Photo by Ben Atkinson
Petersburg07.jpg (134168 bytes) Pushkin and....Pushkin? Dr. Qualin imitates the statue of Russia's beloved poet. Behind Pushkin stands the Russian Museum, which features the works of Russian artists. Photo by Candice McDougall
Peter39KS.jpg (42036 bytes) Moscow Station, on Nevsky Prospect. Need to take a train to Moscow? Photo by Kyle Simon

Decision time!
Tour-guide Sasha wants to take us to Peterhof and Pushkin.
 Dr. Qualin wants to go try to find the Chizhik Pyzhik.
Do you want to stick with Sasha or follow the Prof?


Transfer to the Blue Line- Everyday life in St. Petersburg
Transfer to the Green Line- Student Life in St. Petersburg
Transfer to the Yellow Line- The White Nights Tour

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