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Duelist Soul

Review of ...


A stunningly beautiful card, which is of the odd and uncommon Fairy type. 1900 ATK for a monster that costs a tribute hardly seems reasonable to most people, but properly used, the effects of this card can devastate.

Firstly, you're doing damage to your opponent's life points even if they have their monsters in defense mode, making it tough for your opponent to safely throw things down in defense. This "trample" effect as it is called by the Magic: the Gathering players of the world is always useful, especially when you want your opponent to cower in fear.

Furthermore, ANY time you do damage to your opponent's life points by this card, you get to draw another card, which means that successfully hitting your opponent with this turn after turn is simply going to set up a brutal advantage for you. Basically, if this card isn't stopped, it's big trouble. Fortunately for those defending against it, it has pretty low attack, which is stopped by the ever-common 2000 DEF monster.

For the most part, this is an excellent card, but I would strongly recommend that it be used with support to protect it from being destroyed and to increase it's attack at least by 500 points.

~from La-ki-oh himself~


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