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Duelist Soul



... to my mind, and my soul. Here, thoughts of strategies of this king of card games come to you from all my experience. Now I have opened my mind up to the outside and let others contribute to my pool of knowledge. So enjoy what I have here for you, and learn from it ... use it ... and win ...


La-ki-oh now welcomes Lord of Gagagigo as a contributor to this site. Thanks to the fact that I'm now allowing other people to pool in on my site, I guess it is no longer just my soul. Perhaps a site name change is in order, but I have much more important things to do. I've boosted the number of Card Reviews to 4 now, and have added two articles from my new contributor. If you would like to contribute as well, mail me with your contribution. It must contain your own special duelist alias, your e-mail address for people to send feedback to, a title for the article, the substance itself, and optionally, a subtitle. Your help is greatly appreciated.

August 25, 2004

Finally, witness some substance on this site! Maybe you want to hear about my Beef About Pojo in the new Editorials Section. Or you'll like to read my newest Card Review!!! Don't worry, there's more still coming along the way. If there's any way I can make this site better for you, or if you would like to submit material (a banner would be really nice *wink wink*), e-mail me right away.

August 19, 2004


Duelist Area

Set/Spoiler List


Card Reviews

Laki main