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Duelist Soul

By Set, Alphabetically


Dark Crisis (DCR)
Duelist of the Roses (DOR)
Eternal Duelist Soul (EDS)
Invasion of Chaos (IOC)
Shonen Jump Promo (JMP)
Legend of Blue-eyes White Dragon (LOB)
Legacy of Darkness (LOD)
Labyrinth of Nightmare (LON)
Magic Ruler (MRL)
Magician's Force (MFC)
McDonald's Promotion (MP1)
Metal Raiders (MRD)
Pharaonic Guardian (PGD)
Pharoah's Servant (PSV)
Worldwide Edition (SDD)
Starter Deck Joey (SDJ)
Starter Deck Kaiba (SDK)
Starter Deck Kaiba Evolution (SKE)
Starter Deck Pegasus (SDP)
Starter Deck Yugi (SDY)
Starter Deck Yugi Evolution (SYE)
Tournament Pack Season 1 (TP1)
Tournament Pack Season 2 (TP2)
Tournament Pack Season 3 (TP3)
Tournament Pack Season 4 (TP4)


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