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Duelist Soul

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Here it is, folks, one of the most unfairly disrespected cards in the entire game, the Blue-eyes White Dragon. A lot of people do not like this card and believe that it is weak. However, taking it from the base, it has the HIGHEST ATK of the normal monsters. It is not easy to come up to 3000 ATK and walk away alive.

The legitimate point that makes this card not as worthy to play is the high level, which means that in normal scenarios, you'll have to have two monsters on the field to tribute for this giant. Not many people are willing to do that, because it's hard to keep monsters on the field unless you're playing highly in defense position. The fact that you have to put up two monsters for this hugely powerful card makes it a severe risk to any card that instantly destroys monsters.

There is some hope, though. Blue-eyes White Dragon does not always have to scavenge for two tributes. There are many monsters that come to aid it's summoning. For example, the ritual monster Paladin of White Dragon can Special Summon one of these by offering itself as a tribute. Also, Kaiser Sea Horse can be used to cover both tributes for it. And furthermore, because it is a dragon type, it gets a lot of support from a variety of cards, the best known being Lord of D. which prevents it from being targeted, and its counterpart, The Flute of Summoning Dragon.

The best thing about this monster is that it is one of the easiest to get. It is in both of the Kaiba Starter Decks, has at least two promotional card versions, and is found in the booster set Legend of Blue-Eyes White Dragon (although pulling it out of a pack is much harder).

I just can't wait to see the day when someone who has dissed this card loses the last of their life points to it.

~from La-ki-oh himself~


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