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Duelist Soul

Review of ...


If there is any card that is more controversial of the normal monsters, I have yet to see it. The Dark Magician offers a sturdy ATK of 2500, which is not bad at all considering the fact that no 4 star monster has that much natural attack. But when it comes to stars, this monster really gets picked on a lot. It's level 7, costing 2 tributes, which is a real downer to a lot of people. There are about a handful of cards that you can get for 2 tributes that have equal attack or more. This monster very rarely sees play.

However, there is a bit of hope for us. Over a variety sets, the Dark Magician, much like another controversial card, the Blue-eyes White Dragon, has gained a world of support. There are many cards you can use to summon Dark Magician more easily now. A lot of them are special summons, which is a real perk, leaving you an open Normal Summon or set. I mean, who can resist the temptation of having a 1900 ATK 4 star monster that can turn into this monster with a Special Summon in 3 spell counters? Or the draw of using this monster from the hand as fusion material for one of the most dreaded fusions ever ...

Dark Magician is fairly easy to get. Both of the Yugi Starter Decks have it, and there are numerous versions in those special tins. In addition, it is in the Legend of Blue Eyes booster set.

Maybe I'll just sneak one of these into my deck next tournament to go with my Skilled Dark Magician, and laugh at everyone for getting beat by a deck that included it.

~from La-ki-oh himself~


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