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Duelist Soul

Review of ...


My, my, my, what sick twisted mind this card has. Not to mention the person who invented it. Jinzo has stood the test of time since its first release in Pharoah's Servant as a secret rare. People are known to cringe and shy away in panic when faced with this monster.

Let's look at the bare facts. This monster has 2400 ATK for 1 tribute. That is power unleashed raw: difficult to match, and a worthwhile bonus to this card. The attack alone could concievably be considered a good reason to use this monster, were it not for Summoned Skull's superiority. Then again, the machine type advantages could bolster that as well ...

But lets get down to the base of this card's purpose that made it a secret rare to begin with. As long as this monster is face-up on the field, niether player can activate traps, and trap cards that are already face-up on the field get their effects negated. To an opponent who isn't ready for that, they could suddenly be left with no options to stop this huge-power attacker.

The effect is hugely controversial, though. First, because it may hinder the person who brings it out as much as the opponent, some people find this card's effect if negative, leaving yourself with no trap options. Along with that, practically mixed in is the fact that your opponent will then use everything that's not a trap to get rid of Jinzo. Effect monsters and spell cards make their way through, and since all traps are negated, many of your ways to stop that from happening are illiminated.

It's good to back up this card with something that cycles things around. The Amplifier spell from Ancient Sanctuary can clear your own traps so you can use them. Also, you could use a monster that helps negate spells, or that prevents flip effects from happening. I would not over-worry about such things, because the likelyhood of being able to completely cover all those fields are too slim to worry about. Just concentrate on doing as much damage as you can while you're able, and set up a good defense in case of trouble. You should have just enough time to do that before your Jinzo goes away.

Jinzo: a timeless card.

~from La-ki-oh himself~


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