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Duelist Soul

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The newer version of this card makes this effect easier to understand. You first choose the monster that you wish to have permission to tribute. Then, later, you can use it toward your tribute effects. Any time you activate this card, as a condition (not an effect), you must skip your battle phase.

Now who can say no to taking advantage of any of your opponent's monsters by destroying them and benefitting from their destruction in an additional way. That's exactly the convenience of this card. Many people love to use this to make a tribute summon at their opponents' expense. It might also help to bear in mind that this card's effect allows you to use it for ANY tribute. This includes tributes for a humoungous variety of Spell, Trap, and Monster effects. For example, there are cards that increase your life points by tributing a monster. If your opponent has a high attack monster, and you tribute it for life, you've just taken a nice lead. And there are cards that you can use to tribute monsters and destroy opponents' monsters. The combinations are endless.

In fact, to be quite honest, that is the other downside to this card other than having to skip your battle phase. You HAVE to have another card in order to make this card work, whether it be a high level monster or anything else. This card alone accomplishes nothing.

The other clincher that I must remind you of is that skipping the battle phase is a condition, not an effect of the card. In basic terms, that means that even if this card gets negated, you still don't get to conduct your battle phase for trying to play it. Still, this card will likely become more widely used if Change of Heart gets banned. I'm surprised no one else suggests that

I recommend this card is played in a deck which has a fair deal of combinations to go with it. It truely belongs in competition more than it is being used right now.

~from La-ki-oh himself~


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