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Duelist Soul

Top Ten Alternatives to Rare cards


If you're poor, this is how you do it

10 - Replace Mataza the Zapper with Gray Wing
Discard a card from your hand and you have basically the same monster, and your opponent will think again before he tries using the effect.

9 - Replace Tyrant Dragon with Blue-eyes White Dragon
No reason was given. I'm guessing more attack, but ... La-ki-oh does not see a great deal of practicality in this ...

8 - Replace Wave-Motion Cannon with Balloon Lizard or Tower of Babel
Not as big a bang, but the price is right

7 - Replace Giga Gagagigo with Terrorking Salmon
Is 50 points really all that much of a difference?

6 - Replace Marauding Captain with Solar Flare Dragon or Soul-Absorbing Bone Tower
Same lock, bonus effects

5 - Replace Heavy Storm with Giant Trunade
As long as it's not on the field, it can't hurt you. Plus, you get to pick choose and re-use some of your own cards.

4 - Replace Thousand Eyes Restrict with Relinquished
La-ki-oh does not think the author of this article picked this pair smartly.

3 - Replace Don Zaloog with Cliff the Trap Remover and White Magical Hat
Hey, you get the two effects, plus the option to destroy Spells and Traps on the field.

2 - Replace Sinister Serpent with Night Assailant
Especially if night assailant is in multiples.

1 - Replace Black Luster Soldier - Envoy of the Beginning with Chaos Sorcerer
It matters not what attack you have when you can simply remove the opposition from your path

~from Lord of Gagagigo~

-supplemented, but not altered, by La-ki-oh-


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