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Duelist Soul

Beef Against Pojo


Not a bad site, but ...

I know, Pojo is one of the vastest sites for card games on the internet. I myself cannot deny it has a vast number of contributors and many thought-provoking articles and reviews, but lets put that up to a point right now. Principly, in Yu-gi-oh, do you believe honestly that there is only one way to win ... one way to play well? Are the only victories for those who have enough money to get these "Chaos Monsters" and Delinquient Duo and every other card they believe is superbly dominant? Sure, the tournament winners this year all used Chaos Emperor Dragon and such, but do you really want to think and wonder why? It's not really because the cards are ultimate, but because we are made to believe that they are. We tend to simply cower at the super monsters and believe they are neccesary instead of devising strategies from the base up.

If you think I'm wrong, maybe you should watch me play. I don't usually get very proud, but I have conquered over a deck with these chaos monsters. I've beaten decks with Delinquent Duo, even without having one of my own. I've faced multiple drop-offs in a single duel, and how? Not by having my own, but using my own powers. Yu-gi-oh is supposed to be a game of strategy and wit, not some doofus game of who can get the best cards. I do confess that I have a Harpie's Feather Duster and Heavy Storm in my deck, but I don't believe I need them to win. I believe that they fit in my deck. In quite a few decks actually.

But that's a hint you can take. When you play to begin with, train with weaker cards. Get used to having to outwit your opponent outright. Don't be afraid to say to your opponent, "your Black Luster Soldier Envoy may be powerful, but why don't you try summoning him again after I destroy him with fissure!" A lot of people don't open their eyes to just how well a structured deck can go with adding some fissures ... or even a Compulsory Evacuation Device ... even that Wall of Illusion can be a pain in anyone's side (although I usually use Penguin Soldier and Mysterious Guard). If anyone can think outside the box, step up, and show us what you're made of.

Furthermore, Pojo tends to have a very stylized view of how decks should work. Even how cards should be used. Whenever I go there to visit I get the feeling they're putting more effort into finding legal loopholes in the game than actually finding steady and deserving strategies. Who wants to bother spending time getting a bunch of fusion monsters and magical scientist to try to accomplish a cheap victory? Who wants to bother with going through the effort of trying to cheat with Magical Marionette, Gearfried the Iron Knight and Butterfly Dagger - Elma? It may sound cheap and easy, but it's bogus, and actually rediculously difficult to pull off.

One more thing - who has the money to buy every single one of these cards? I almost get the feeling all these people are rich, because whether by booster or by direct purchase, it takes a lot to get some of these cards. Chaos Sorcerer may not be as good as Black Luster Soldier Envoy, but what of it? That's why one is Ultra-Rare and the other is not! In some instances, a good player could use Chaos Sorcerer just as well as the opposition.

I do give credit to Pojo for having a variety of opinion, but isn't anyone thinking outside the box?

~from La-ki-oh himself~


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