Home What Is a Landslide?
Why do landslides happen?
Types of landslides
Detection and Prevention
Disaster In Chima
On July 8th, 2001 in West Virginia, 20 counties experienced
thousands of landslides due to river flooding and intense rain.
During the winter of 1997-1998, El Nino caused over 200% the
normal rainfall in the San Francisco Bay region and led to many landslides
and caused over $158 million dollars in damage.
Click here to see an animated example of a San Franciscan landslide.
In 1999, after three weeks of near constant rain, Colorado
Springs, Colorado was issued a Presidential Disaster Declaration because of
severe landslides. (USGS)
Okay, so now you're convinced that landslides are a
big deal...but you want to know more about them, right? What exactly are
landslides? What causes them? Can they be detected or prevented? Read on to
find out!