Home What Is a Landslide?
Why do landslides happen?
Types of landslides
Detection and Prevention
Slides, Falls, and Flows
Earthflow: The wet ground breaks up and falls down the hillside in
a rounded shape. It usually occurs on clay or sand and it is the slowest
and driest type of flow.
Mudflow: Sometimes referred to as a mudslide, a mudflow is when the
soil becomes so saturated with water that it speeds down the hill in a
muddy river carrying debris. It is the fastest and wettest type of flow.
Click on the picture below to see an animation of how fast a mudflow can

The mudflow occured in 1997 in the Sierra Nevadas. It traveled a total of
24 miles and went at a speed of 2-3 mph the first 12 miles and a speed of
12 mph the second 12 miles. (Potential of San Francisco...)
 | Lahar: "Lahar" is the Indonesian word for a "volcanic debris flow."
It is a volcanic, rapidly flowing mudflow that contains rock debris and
water. (Volcanoes). |