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Work Package 1 - active social policies

Work Package 1 of the INPART project deals with social policies in the countries of the INPART-partners: Belgium, Denmark, The Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and The United Kingdom. Specific attention is focused on the so-called 'active social policies': social policies targeted at unemployed people and aimed at increasing their participation in society. In the context of the INPART-project, several 'forms' of participation are distinguished: participation on the regular labour market, participation in subsidized work, participation in education and training, and participation in unpaid activities.

The comparative report discussing the results of the work in the context of Work Package 1 is entitled Integration Policies: a Cross-national Comparative Study of Views on Inclusion and Exclusion (47 pages). It discusses and compares active social policies in the EU-countries mentioned above. As the report clarifies, despite cross-national differences in socio-economic, welfare-state and policy contexts, all countries show increased attention in their social policies on the aspects of activation and participation.

The contents of the report:

  • Chapter I: Introduction
  • Chapter II: Historical Review
  • Chapter III: Regulations of the regular labour market
  • Chapter IV: Subsidized participation
  • Chapter V: Education and Training
  • Chapter VI: Unpaid activities
  • Chapter VII: General conclusions
  • Annex I: Relevant socio-economic indicators
  • Annex II: Overview of policies

The report was edited by Pedro Hespanha (Centre for Social Studies CES, Coimbra, Portugal) and by Henning Hansen (Centre for Social Integration and Differentiation CID, Copenhagen, Denmark).

Apart from the report mentioned above, an annex is published (ca. 200 pages) that contains the national reports on active social policies on which the comparative report is based.