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Work Package 3 - case studies

In the context of the third work package, the 6 INPART partners carried out national case studies into different types of work. These case studies had the objective to gain insight into the inclusionary and/or exclusionary potentials of these different types of work. The following types of work were distinguished:

  • Participation in jobs on the primary labour market (‘regular’ jobs, full-time or part-time, fixed or flexible, temporary or permanent);
  • Participation in jobs on the secondary labour market (subsidised jobs for the unemployed, for example job schemes or capitalisation of benefits);
  • Participation in unpaid types of work;
  • Training and education.

The comparative report discussing the results of the case studies is entitled Inclusion through Participation. The case studies (WP3): comparative report (86 pages).

The contents of the report:

  1. Introduction
  2. Theoretical and socio-political backgrounds
  3. The design of the case studies
  4. The case studies
  5. The respondents
  6. Unemployment and exclusion
  7. Employed in the primary labour market
  8. Employed in the secondary labour market
  9. Participation in unpaid work
  10. Education and training
  11. Conclusions

The report was edited by Rik van Berkel (Faculty of Social Sciences, Utrecht University).

Apart from the report mentioned above, an annex is published that contains the national reports on the case studies.

On these webpages, a description of the case studies as well as the main results of the case studies can be found.