Characters II
Characters II
Universal Power
Earth Special Forces
Red Ribbon Elite
Galactic Dragon Forces
Team Kaio-Ken
Entity of Darkness
Saiyan Mafia

Credits: 0
Items: Scouter, Capsule Corp Space Pod /w GE enhancements.
Moves: Red Destructo Disk, Burning Attack, Destructo Disk, Tri Beam, Guided Sokidan
Power Up Grades: Kaio Ken, Control SSJ & Oozaru
P.L.: 1,003,744
Max P.L.: 1,405,241
SSJ Max P.L.: 5,018,720
Kaio Ken Max P.L.: 11,041,184
Oozaru Max P.L.: 10,037,440
Location: Namek
Status: None
Info: Toma was apart of Bardock's team of 3rd Class Saiyans. He was killed my Dodoria, with orders from Frieza, when his henchmen arrived on Planet Meat.

Credits: 0
Items: Power Gloves & Pole
Moves: Hyper Tornado, Zanzokan, Kamehameha, Masenko, Burning Attack
Power Up Grades: None
P.L.: 500
Max P.L.: 1,176,233
Location: Earth
Status: None
Info: Pikkon Come form The West Gaxly. he is very strong. In the Other World. he
Enter a Tounerment and goes all the to the Final against goku but loses.

Items: None.
Moves: Teleport, Frieza Beam, Split Form
Power Up Grades: None
P.L.: 500
Max P.L.: 1,437
Location: Namek
Status: None
Info: After being defeated on planet Namek by Super-Saiyan Goku, Frieza
was rebuilt by his father's scientist. Now he has returned stronger than
ever, only to be killed by Future Tunks, as though he were nothing.

Android #18
Credits: 0
Items: None
Moves: Eye Lazers
Power Up Grades: None
P.L.: 500
Max P.L.: 987
Location: Earth
Status: None
Info: 18 is the twin sister of 17. She was created to destroy Goku, but fell in love with Krillin instead.

Credits: 0
Items: GE ehancements
Moves: Destructo Disk, Chou-Kamehameha, Extra Arms
Power Up Grades: None
P.L.: 2,632
Max P.L.: 5,453
Location: Earth
Status: none
Info: He is Goku's best friend. He is arguably the strongest
human. He trained with Goku when they were young under Master Roshi and has
had many adventures..

Chibi Goku
Credits: 0
Items: Weighted wrist bands & Z boots, Scouter, Power Gloves & Pole, Sword, Sensu bean, GE ehancements
Moves: Exploding Ki Barrier
Power Up Grades: None
P.L.: 1,251
Max P.L.: 1,251
Location: Earth
Status: None
Info: Chibi Goku is the Goku that was wished a kid again by Pilaf in the DragonBall Grand Tour series.

Credits: 975
Items: Weighted wrist bands & Z boots, Scouter, Power Gloves & Pole, Sword, GE enhancements.
Moves: Death Ball
Power Up Grades: None
P.L.: 725
Max P.L.: 1,875
Location: Earth
Status: None
Info: Gogeta is the Fused form of Goku and Vegeta through the Fusion Dance.

Credits: 400
Items: Elite Saiyan Armor, Saiyan Space Pod.
Moves: Genocide Attack, Evil Genki Dama, Death Ball, Daichi Tersuzan, Frieza Beam
Power Up Grades: None
P.L.: 500
Max P.L.: 700
Location: Frieza
Status: None
Info: Yamu is the Very powerful henchmen of Babidi,he was so powerful that not any of the earthlings could stop him and trunks or goten couldn't stop him.

Credits: 300
Items: Elite Saiyan Armor, Saiyan Space pod.
Moves: Eraser Gun, Recoome Boom, Frieza Beam
Power Up Grades: None
P.L.: 500
Max P.L.: 700
Location: Frieza
Status: None
Info: Recoome is the most powerful member of the Ginyu force well except captain ginyu himself.

Credits: 0
Items: Power Gloves
Moves: Energy Gun
Power Up Grades: None
P.L.: 500
Max P.L.: 781
Location: Earth
Status: None
Info: Janemba starts as a very playful fat apparition, looking a lot like the
Stay-Puft Marshmallow Man. This seemingly harmless form becomes a smaller
red-colored demon with a nasty sword. He takes fighting more seriously and
loses his jestful nature. Janemba is incredibly powerful, and neither Goku
nor Vegita can beat him at full strength.

Credits: 0
Items: Capsule Corp Space Pod /w GE enchancements
Moves: Kamehameha, Split Form, Chou Kamehameha
Power Up Grades: None
P.L.: 500
Max P.L.: 3,847
Location: Earth
Status: (Protected for Tournament)
Info: Pan is the daughter of Gohan and Videl, she is 25% Sayian and the strongest female in DBGT.
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