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Juror Becomes Part Of Defense Victory Party

by Val Ellicott
Staff Writer

Members of William Kennedy Smith's defense team toasted their court victory -- and one of the jurors who acquitted Smith of rape -- with a late-night celebration party Wednesday at E.R. Bradley's Saloon.

Juror Lea Haller walked into Bradley's about 11 p.m., not knowing Smith's attorneys were inside. When she saw them, the hugging and kissing began.

"I said, `Am I back in court again?"' Haller said as she celebrated with the attorneys and jury selection consultants who guided Smith through his court ordeal.

Roy Black, Smith's lead attorney, said picking Smith's jury was the key to his successful defense.

"We were looking for six honest people," Black said. "If they were honest and admitted they had prejudices, I would keep them."

Of prosecutor Moira Lasch, Black said, "She's more of a Mack truck than a Mercedes." But he also said defense attorneys would be unwise to underestimate her abilities.

"She and I are not friends at all, in fact we don't even talk," Black said. "But I admire her skills as a prosecutor. She did the best she could with what she had."

But Lasch made several critical errors, including calling Sen. Ted Kennedy to the stand, Black said.

"She underestimated the charisma of Ted Kennedy," he said.

He also lavished praise on Judge Mary Lupo.

"She was the finest judge we ever appeared in front of," Black said. "She also worked us harder than any judge I've ever seen -- 10 hours a day, seven days a week."

Smith was not at the victory party where Black signed at least one autograph. Smith's attorneys, Black, Mark Seiden, Mark Schnapp and Holly Skolnick, said he was at the Kennedy family estate. Also absent was jury selection consultant Cathy Bennett, who suffers from stomach and colon cancer. She postponed treatment to aid in Smith's defense.

Bennett's sister, Rebecca Christie, who works with her, said Bennett received three pints of blood in a transfusion last week.

Smith's attorneys said they spent a tense night after his accuser testified through tears that Smith tackled her and raped her at the Kennedy estate on March 30.

"We were very concerned that the jury might be carried away with all the emotion," Black said. "I thought her performance was outstanding. It was the best job of preparation I've ever seen."

Smith's attorneys said they had not slept for 48 hours and were exhausted. The defense team pulled a number of all-nighters during the trial, they said.

"I don't even know what day it is," Seiden said.

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