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Lewis Quarles


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Lewis Quarles


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Lewis was the kind of man that made this world a better place just because of his presence.  He was always quick to help out a friend in need, or answer any question that you had.  He had a sharp whit and intriguing personality that you could not help but love the man. 

For the last several years, his fur trapping consisted of over 100 red fox each year, and was rapidly approaching it this year.  The night he passed on, he still had steel in the ground.  There is something to be said for a man who up until the day he died, did what he loved, with great proficiency. 

Lewis was a man of a caliper that we do not see often anymore. He was the most honest and honorable man I have ever met. You always knew where you stood with him. I have nothing but the fondest of memories of him. This world was and is a better place for him being here. He will be greatly missed. I will never forget you Turtleman.


Lewis Quarles Obituary