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Oysters act as a natural filtering system, and by increasing the amount of oysters in the Bay, we help to keep the Bay cleaner!


There are several ways of cultivating oysters and comparing their growth.  Some are suspended in mesh bags filled with oyster shells to collect spats (baby oysters).  Some are placed in artificial reef formations (little piles), directly on the bottom of the bay.  Some are layered in trays, which are stacked, typical of what you might see in a bread truck.  We also take cultured seed oysters and grow them in floating trays, of different types.  The whole purpose of this is to find the most favorable environment for growing oysters.




Make underwater videos for educational purposes used by schools, park services, visitor centers, libraries, and in public speaking engagements.

Make still pictures to be used in displays on CD's, Slide Shows, and tapes, supporting the Bay Restoration.

"Adopt An Oyster" program




With your help and needed donations, we would like to see many projects to materialize in the near future.  These projects would include.....

Widen the scope of our video production capability.

Produce illustrated printed materials in the way of brochures for educational purposes to a wider audience.

Standards of Learning (SOL) compatible packages.

This page last updated on 05/04/04

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