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My Life

Some thoughts...

Who's AXA'n what does she do

What is this'bout??


Made it to the next year again!
I did blow up my fingers, though... Well, two from the right hand, but didt loose any of'em, thank the Goddes...
AND - I wasnt even drunk! Really, I wasnt! Had sucha hang over from the night after that I just couldnt drink anything that had any alcohol in it.
Oh well...

Im in the middle of a class right now, but the tempo is so low, I'd fall a sleep if I didt've the comp in front of me. The course's 'bout creating'n handling databases...


It's still not winter'ere... No snow... Way too warm... So very depressingly dark...Oh - I did pass the Java-exam I talk earlier'bout.
Im listening to the new cmx-album. Im still not quite sure if it totally sucks or if I actuelly like it. It's very different from the older cmx, but still very same...
I have loads of work to do just like last year before the holidays. Last week I got a lodda stuff done, but this week has started with a kick in the head'n Im not in the mood for...Well, anything really... I've sat'ere the whole morning'n done absolutely nothing... Godda get a grip. Maby tomorrow...


Just finnished my Java-programming exam a while ago. Hope I passed...
We'll c.
We're (finally) having "The Alien Marathon" tonight with some friends! Gonna watch all the 4-eps in a row'n drink lotsa beer :) Great.
I think winter's finally'ere. It's darn cold'n the wind's just a killer. Cant really figure much to say right now... My neck aches'n I've too much school work to finish before Christmas holidays - and after - Cant find a new apartment'n basicly life sucks big time - again - So, I listen to CMX, Radiohead'n, PJ Harvey, sit on the comp'n look really pissed...
Sounds like a normal late-autum, doesnt it? Yeah, and "Queer as folk" ended. One good thing in sight is that Xena starts airing Jan7.2001(!!!)

Monday. New period at school started today with "The history of advertising".
Briefly, I had an excellent weekend! Really nice :)
It snowed for the first time yesterday and it's still snowing. I couldnt help just smiling like an idiot, when I sat in the bus, listenin to the new Radiohead album Kid A and just watched the snow fall. And when I got out of the bus'n it was so cold, the wind blowing'n the snow beating against my face, but I loved it! I gues I've missed the winter...
But, I dont think it's necessary to start fixing my snowboard just yet:) The first snow always melts away in a few days.

Oh yeah - We were at the Smashing Pumpkins concert last week(!) Just minor problems, a parkingticket, flat tire etc... But we made it'n I loved the show :)
Ok. Im gone again. Godda go.


Oh my.. Just realized it's friday the 13th!!!!
Next week's the fallbreak. Im so ready to take some time away from this machine. I've rented a little cottage, not far from'ere but far enough. Im just gonna be. Do nothing but ride my bike, listen to music'n read somethig irrelevant. It's only for 2 nights, but better than nothing.

This week started with a bang. Last week ended with one when Leo was suddenly in town, has been since. It was relly nice to c him again. Then on Monday I went to open the door, expecting it to be my sis, but who else is standing there than our Lauri boy! That was nice too. So, we've had "our boys" home for the whole week :) It's kinda cosy to have'em around, though they end up quarrilg'bout every other thing, but that's just the way it is.

We had some talk'bout how stupid it's nowourdays when people go on to TV to solve their problems in public'n then other people actuelly watch it'n then there're the interner diarys... Yeah... I've been thinkin what the heck's the point in this. After all, I've been keepin this "my life" section'ere almost for two years now! And why? This is not that popular site, this page's not even easy to find, so it cant be to awake interest in other people'n Im most surtenly not gettin any profit oudda this!
Go figure, but I like to write'ere and check out what I've writen one year ago, check the mood'n stuff.
I gues I could do it the normal way, oldschool, write a diary (off-line - if u understand the term ;)and I do, actuelly. U think this is all? Im not stupid enough to tell ya everything, am I!?!? No no... This is like "the mainframe" of stuff. So maby that's kinda the point. I wont write'ere anythig too personal - or too personally'bout the personal stuff a give a chance to peek at'ere :) Still... well - I dont feel like ending 2year tradion, so Im gonna still be'ere :)

Tonight there's a gay/lesbian party we're goin to. Godda take it easy. Im working tomorrow'n I have to drive the car so... OK. yeah. Later :)

Thursday 5.51 PM, Im at school.

My attensions on starting "a good life" are yet only attensions...
Lets c: On the week 36, that's two weeks ago, I got drunk on Monday, the next day didnt. On Wed. I got drunk and on Thurs. also... Cant quite remember all the days I've had a beer or two...or more... Last week it was Thurs. we were out again'n I couldn get up to go to school at all, just like the week before... This week's been an exception'n maby because I've allreaydy drank most of my money'n I've got plans to get really pissed during the weekend.

BUT: Im really gonna change my ways next week. Just godda. Drinkin in Finland's really expensive'n I surtenly dont've too much money... I've also been buying a lodda new music, inspired by Really love Lacuna Coil, This Ascension, tapping the Vein'n the Gathering. Gues im on a bit dark period, when it comes to music. Talkin'bout dark, I miss Leo:( He's like one of my few very dearest friends'n I havent seen'em in 'bout 3 weeks'n dont know when Im gonna. I also havent seen Mervi'cos she's in Germany, but we keep contact with textmessages'n e-mail. Leo, on the other hand, hasnt got a phone, or access to his e-mail.. AND he has he's birthday on Sunday, damn it! Wish he'd call, or something...

Well, well. Think i'll go get some air.. or surf some...Damn these earphones're a pain! Godda start carring my own to school. These really suck. Maby they's ment to hurt peoples heads, so they wouldnt spend all teir time'ere or something. Oh, Nightwish "Walking in the Air".. just love this song'n this version.. La la la laaa... heh *G*


Back at school'n lovin' it!
Yeah, really, it's great to be back, though the waking up in the morning's not that nice, since I've learned a totally different rhytm during the summer. Well, there was the month I was working'n had to get up really early, but lately it's been more like going to bed (somewhere) at 3-4 am'n waking up (somewhwere) when I feel like it (afternoon that is:)'n very often with a hangover... Also my new "hoppy" has been keepin me up at nights: Riding the city at night with my mountainbike (rhyme!) I think u coud call it "X-treme city biking" *G*

Now that the summer's almost over'n Im back to my daily routines've desided to "change my ways". Meaning, turning in early, eating real food at luch'n not just drinkin coffee, going to judo practise atleast one's a week'n not drinkin so much alcohol. Looks like a damn tough job to do when it's writen down... We'll c what happens. Think i'll star next week.

Oh, yeah! Our school has now moved in to the new'n fab "mediahouse". Looks reeeally nice :)

I've got some new stuff for this sites layout at my comp, but it's not really ready yeat. But I promise it will be... lets c... hmmm. before christmas!

Wov... It's been over a month since I've writen'ere last.
Well, I've been kinda busy working'n stuff.
Lets c, there was the Midsummer weekend, Provinssirock'n then I've been'ere at Tikkakoski almost a month now.
Had a really good time at Provinssirock this year. Rage Against The Machine rules! Also liked Bellatrix, HIM was kinda good, but not as good as I thought it'd be. Also saw Kemopetrol, LAB, YUP, Kent'n well, a lodda good artists. We had our van parked near the area in the woods'n we formed a circle with a friends car'n some tents. Had a fire in the middle'n stuff. Really nice apart from the fact that it was freezing cold in the evening'n night. I'll scan the pictures when I've the time.

Midsummer was great. I spent it in Sotkamo with a person that I really, really, really like a lot'n it was very, very, very nice, except the part when I had to leave for the rain at 5 a.m...
So, then I've been working'ere at Tikkakoski since 3th of July. I 've only 5 workdays left !!!! There's a weekend in the middle, but I think I can manage it ;) I've spent the weekends at Tampere every chance I've had.
Im working as a cleaner at the local military area. Could've been wors, but it's kinda funny 'cause I question the whole importance of the whole military institute, so... Well, lets say it was kinda weird when I gave a ride to a sergeat, girl my age (21) to Tampere, since we were both going to the same direction'n I was going by a car (had to deliver a wheelsaw on Sunday...) She was kinda ok.'n we got along just fine, but I can say I dont often meet'n get along with people who've desided to make a career for them sels in the military'n eat at McDonalds not thinking twice'bout it... It was s-t-r-a-n-g-e, I tell ya...

It seems I've been sitting'ere too long. Again. So, it's max 5h sleep before getting up to work... Damn... It's been like this almost the whole time I've been'ere'cos I've my own comp with my'n pluged in the net. Godda get some sleep. "Nighdy Night!" - Callisto


Im at Tikkakoski, at my parents place. It's Thuesday night'n we're backin our things with my sis. Provinssirock is this weekend!!! Rage Against The Machine!!! Yeah!
Had a really, really nice weekend. I was'ere at Tikkakoski also last week, left for Tampere on Friday (had fun fun fun! Shocking innocent people at a discoplace's always a good way to spend a fridaynight out;) Then there was the Helsinki Xenathonia from sat.noon'til sun.noon. Really nice happening. There were some 25 of us Xenites there. It was the first big Finnish Xenite meeting. The first (lots smaller, one night happening) was the XenaNight at Tampere by me. I think there was somekinda meeting before that too, but it wasnt public or something. Anywho, I had a great time'n saw lotsa new fine eps'n gonna be a happy happy xenite for a while now:)
Well, at this point I had slept 3,5h from fri.9.00 A.M.'till sunday noon'n jumped into my car'n drove'bout 160km back to Tampere, only slightly fallin a sleep once in a while driving. Had to stop for a 20min nap when I really couldnt just keep my eyes open'n focused'n was driving half time on the wrong side of the road'n the other half almost out of the roadd...
When I got to our place at Tampere I slept an hour'n off we went again'till 3.30 to the next mornig...This, ofcource, included some cider like always... Had to wake up 6 A.M. (with a bit of a hangover on top of everything) and drive 160km to work'ere at Tikkakoski. Can we say a "a riskdriver"...
I can tell ya I was a bit tired when I got out of work'n to sleep on monday 5 P.M...
Let's see, that makes'bout 8 hours sleep in 3day'n 8h'n about 700km. Nice. Well, it was all worth it. Wouldnt give away a moment :)

But, now I godda go back my things up. Have some 400km to drive tomorrow. Im going to Tampere tomorrow!!!! Great!!!! C ya later. Im gonna be at Tikkakoski whole July'n Im bringing my own comp'ere so I'll be updating all my pages then.
Oh, yeah : U all've a great summer :)

The weirdest dream I had... Really weird. Me'n my sis were at our granmom's place, but in the dream we lived there'n it was the firsr floor, not the second. Skunk Anansie was plaing a gig somewhere near'n were staying close to the place we were living at. OK. Then the weird part. Skin from SA, was a fan of my sister! And I meen really fanatic. We had heard this from someone, but really belived it when Skin showed up banging at the window! She was shouting something, it was raining outside. We were really confused'n just watched her in awe. Then someone came'n drag her away, but after a while she got loose again'n was banginng at the window again! After a few times they had took her away'n she kept comin back, we opened the door for her. Only after when she got in the room, i realiced how big a fan of her I was! I started shaking'n stuff! I was just like, "Oh my goddess, it's Skin! What's she doin'ere!!!???".
I cant really remember what happened after that. It was a really weird dream, I tell ya *L*!

OK. this must've something to do with the fact that i've been drinking for 4 days now... Now it's sunday'n Im at school because of our project. Only no one else is'ere yet'n they're coming in'bout 4hours... Think I'll go hang outside since it's finally summer'n "the sun is shining, the weather is sweet, make u wanna move tour dancing feet" - Bob Marley.


Bit of a hangover.. It's 10.34 a.m.'n Im - ofcourse- at school again.
Had a really good time lastnight. It was a warm day - like now -'n we decided to drink beer'n cider in the park. Funny thing happened when we were just runin'round playing football, the cops show up. Well, they step uodda the car lookin real macho'n all. We all go "good evening officers"'n they dont even bother to answer back! They were just staring at us'n beaming us with their flashlights. Then the other bad behaving officer opened his mouth'n asked if we had been fighting or something... What? Well, no we havent been fighting officers! Dont know what was up with that, but eventually they left us alone. Hmmm. That wasnt even a funny story... Oh well. it would've been a better story if we had had loads of joints at the time'n the cops had arrested us'n stuff like that, but I wont tell ya that'cos it didnt happen...Yeah.
Im listening to Queen right now. It's their second album "Queen II" from 1974. "The Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke"'n "The March Of The Black Queen"'re my favourites from this album at the moment. "Seven Seas Of Rhye" doesnt sound that good when u've a hangover... I was just checkin the summer festivas'n noticed that there're too many good festivals I wanna go to. I allready've a 3-day ticket to provinssirock (I've mentioned this before, havent I ;)'n Im quite sure Im gonna go to Ilosaarirock, too'cos Guano Apes're comin there! Too bad there're so few Skunk Anansie festivals this summer.
...Took a 30min lunch break. Back to work :)


Finally! This angelfire editor hasnt been work lately, but it's back up now, thank the godes :)
What's up? Well, summer's 'ere finally:D. I was in a job interview just hour ago. Think it went just fine. I'll be a cleanerwoman on the night shift in a market!!! Money, money, money!!! It's so funny. I have to work only a month to get the same money that I get in'bout 3 months when Im in school. Luxory's wayting. I have high hopes for this summer. Like always... Just bought my 3-day ticket to Provinssirock!!!! Greeeeaaat!!!! Check it out, it's gonna be just brilliant!
Im gonna write an article'bout "Boys dont Cry" today. It's for school. Maby I'll do it on English too and but it up on my page. Hmm, maby.
Oh! Got my own computer last week!!! Finally!!! No internet yet, maby later in the summer when I have more money to pay the bills.
And I heard the worst news a day before: Angelina Jolie has got married :( And NOT WITH ME, damn it.... I'll just have to find a nother grrrl...;)
That's 'bout it for now. Later.


Weekend ahead. It's Friday afternoon'n Im just leaving from school for the week. Long weekend ahead. No schools or work on Monday'cos it's Vappu -"The Day of Work" or something like that in English. Anyway. Interresting week it's been. We've this major net ad - project'n stuff. Ive also been tearing my hair of over a week now, but I wont get into that in'ere. Still workin on buying my own comp. Still havent got it, but it's really closer than ever. We got a new band practise place. Havent been there yet, but the others've'n what I hear it's just perfect'n practically costs nothing. Gonna visit there today or tomorrow.
I need lotsa alcohol right now. Lots. On the other hand I dont even wanna drink, but on the other, well, I justwanna get totally wasted. Anyway, it's part of the Finnish traditions to get really really drunk on Vappu, so I gues that solves it, right? Right! So, Im of to buy some whitewine´'n beer :)
Oh, wayte! Check this out : There're lotsa short films'n stuff like that. Also a Gay'n Lesbian section. I reconment "Two Girls'n a Baby". Bye!


Monday again.
Do I write'ere more often on Mondays than other days? Oh, well.
The XenaNight went just fine. There were more people I dared to hope'n all in all a very nice evening. Usually, when Im spending the nightout with friends, they always get tired of my Xena this'n Xena that stuff, but this time it was different! A whole table of HC-Xenites'n Xena on screen! It was nice. There's gonna be another Finish Xena happening in the summer. Really lookin foward to that :)
What else? Well, I had two English tests this morning'n I've a test'bout computer stuff in 20 minutes. We planned on havin a band praktise today. That'd be nice. I'd have loads of other stuff to do, like a CV-on English, but hey, there's always tomorrow, heh. That's not really my motto or anything, but reasenty things've just kinda slided'n slided. I'll blame it on the springtime :)
Oh, and I still havent finnished that "Leijona viina" liqoure bottle I have!
Think that's a good or I bad sign? Well, it proves Im not that bad a alcoholist u'd think I am, heh!


Tuesday. Yesterday was sunny'n warm, but today's chilly'n gray... It's always like that when I've loads of things to do'n this weather just gets me down. Dont feel doin much anything, but hei, ya godda do whatca godda do... Spent the morning puting up "XenaNight" posters'round the city. Hope that's gonna go well.
I've 0,7L booze at home. And some wine. I'd so much like t drink it all today... Well, some... But I gues Ill wayte untill - Thursday, heh!
Godda go phone the local medias'bout the XenaNight now. Have to deliver two wheelshaws today also. Damn it... C ya late.


Good Monday!
Wou, whadda weekend! A blast, godda say :D
On Friday we drove to Helsinki to c L7 live!!!! They ROCK!!! Was one of the best gigs I've ever been to'n u can tell: My hands'n legs look like I've been beaten up with a baseballpatch...
On Sat. was Leo's housewarming/Mervi's farewell (Is this written like this? Oh well...) party thingy. We were veeee-ry drunk, I tell ya. Everyone was so wasted. In a good way, I mean. Good party, I think. Sunday was more or less hangover, hangover'n yes : hangover. And the toilet didnt work...The pipes were stuck. Smelled even more than usual Sundays at our place... My sweet sister Sari managed to open the pipes'bout 10 p.m.
Well, as Im listening to the latest David Bowie album "Hours", I godda sign out'n say bye bye. Have a poster to do for the XenaNight Im arrangeing'ere. It's cool :)


Just checked the Oscar winners'n is this so fuckin cool, or what! Hilary Swank won the Oscar for best actress for her performance as a woman who lives as a man (Brandon Teena) in the low budget film "Boys Don't Cry" and Angelina Jollie won the Oscar for best supporting actress, for her role in "Girl, Interrupted"! Cool, hu?!
Well, godda fly now. Frantic day ahead'n I kinda've a hangover, but life is good'n gettin better, so it doesnt matter :) C ya.


Rage Against The Machine's comin to Finland, Provinssirock this summer!!!!
This is sooooo great! Now, to make it just perfect, Skunk Anansie shuold come to the same place :) That be the ultimate festival!
So, it's the middle of the week, Im at school, Im tired, staring at my phone'n wayting it to ring'n jaadi jaadi jaaa... Ive been surfin'n fixing the tufoc site the whole day'n now I just wanna get oudda'ere'n breath air that hasnt allready been used 10 times, before it gets in to my lungs... oh, there it comes. Hello mr.headache...


Hello. It's 01.04 a.m. And Im at school... We just got our project together. The deadline's tomorrow at noon. Still needs some fixin but it's finally done. Wonder what Im still doin'ere? Ques I should lift my arse up'n ride my bike home. On the other hand, I could sleep on that sofa... Good song goin, cant leave just yet. Im listening to HIM. Fab Finnish band. Check the web page. Damn it! Go, go, go, goo-ooo!!! Ok, ok, Im goin, Im goin...Jeezh...




Ques what: Im 21 today. Yep, that darn old. But, maby I wont go shopping for a coffin just yet. Think Ill do that tomorow...
So, what's up? Well, after the weekend before last, when we were at our parents place havin a blast (hey! That rhymed!!!:) we had a free week from school, so we stayed there'till wed.'n then came back. Last weekend was nice. Our good friend ('n drummer) Markku had a awesome houseparty on friday. That was cool. A blast :D
Oh, I visited a friend in Turku'n found "The Bitter Suite - A Musical odyssey" CD (that's the vol3. Xena soundtrack of the musical episode) Listening to it now. Fab.
Well, enough of this. Today Im gonna drag my netaddict-arse oudda this place (school...) before 6pm. Happy, happy, joy, joy birthday to ME!!!!! :D


Good morning
We're at our parents place at the time, but fortunately they're not home. They're in Estonia for the weekend. So, we had a party last night'n people're now watching cartoons'n drinking strong coffee. It's really beatiful out side. The temperature is -10 Celsius'n the sun is shining. the snow's glimmering'n it's just so beatifull... I'd like to go walk on the lake (yes, it's frozen), but cant seem to get anyone to go with me. Except the dog... The internet connection'ere is just terrible'n. I'm writing this while trying to connect in to the web. Great! Now I'm in :) Well, it's only Saturday, so it means we'll do the party thing again tonight. I've the camera with me so pictures're to be expected, hehee :D

I just realised that I havent mention'ere that Finland's new President is a woman! Tarja Halonen's the name. And she's not just some right-wing-up-class-rich-bitch, but more or less a left-winger AND she used to be the President and one of the founder members of SETA - organisation (freely trans.-"Sexual Equalency")!
Well, check out the web page (it's also in english). Cool, eh :D
Godda fly. Work to do. Godda deliver 2-wheelshaws today'n its'bout 400km driving'n all in all'bout 4-5h... I was supposed to get my self a summer job today, but I gues Ill leave that for tomorrow, like I've been doin the last 3weeks now...

from the middle of our band practise.. We're taking a break to do some free surfin! we have a band place at our drummer's, school'n the computer class happens to be still open, so we're takin advantage of it!
Have I mentioned we have a band? we'll we do'n at the time it's called "P.M.S.", although only half of the band're girls, but I theink the name'll keep changeing. Oh, godda go now :D

Been a while...Got the flu, but not too bad. Been havin a really frantic week, long days'n so on. Glad it's friday tomorrow'n then this week'll finally be over..
My good old friend Tytti's comin to a vistit tomorrow with her family! Always nice to c her :)
This is really lame... My brains feel kinda soft'n I just wanna go home'n sleep... But I cant. Godda stay at school'n after that do a million'n two things before I can even think of sleeping... well, hah! I all ready thought'bout it! Aaany who...

So, 'ere we are. A new year to start'n all that jaadi, jaadi, jaa...
Spent the new years eve at a friends cottage. Lotsa frineds, sauna, rolling in the snow naked, alcohol'n so on..No one got any major burn injuries, or froze in the snow'n died, so I gues that went pretty well.

Im kinda surprised the change of the millenium went as well as it did world wide. No nuclear reactors blew off, or anything like that. I was afraid a lotta people would die this new years eve, but fortunately didnt.

Christmas went well, too. A usual family-get-together, no props there.
The weekend before Christmas was a total blast. 3 days drinkin'n partying, 1 day snowboarding and again 1 day drinking! That was a one-of-the-best weekends (well, extended) in da 1999, I tell ya :)

...a pretty good year, all together... thanks to all who know I would thank'em. Im sure u konw...

So, lets rock the brains off from da new fuckin millenium, shall we friends !!!???

...Listening to the new Nerdie single... Fab.

Yeasterday was the independence day of Finland, so that makes today the first school day of the week.
we had quit a nice weekend. Saturday was a party-go-go-boogi sorta night. Well, the whole day actually. We've been totally wicked'n insane the whole weekend! We decided not take a shower on the sunday mornig'n boy did we smell like rotten rat droppings :D Sunday was a-day-after-party-go-go-boogi-night. U know, couchpotatos all day long, lotsa movies'n no-brain-no-pain-tv-series, lotsa unhealthy food'n so on...

Just came from the record shop'n they still didnt 've the new Skunk Anansie single, so I had to order it from Germany, Goddess damn it!
"I'm gonna be a super star-a-aa" Nice song :)
U'd think Im on a good mood from what Im written'ere today... That's funny... didnt mean to do that... Oh well...
C ya later. Godda get into the learning thing'n that stuff- school, yes that's it! Sometimes I forget it in this place. Often seems more like a second home or slavery (is that a word?) Anyway, bye...

Been a while, eh?
Well, not much to say this time either. Lotsa stuff to do'n zero energy to do it...
Though, we've been workin on this banderol for the "anti WTO-activity" tomorrow.

Right now Im totally pissed of'cos I had a flat tire the fourth time in 'bout a week, this morning... :(
AND... I had to be on the other side of the town'n back before my school started in da mornin... So that sucked...
Oh, yes, it did rain'n yes I was all wet'n my pants muddy...
Days like this u just wanna go back to bed'n sleep it over or go get blasted... Blasted sounds nice. And after all, it's 3 pm all ready. Cant go back to bed, now can I? That leaves me with no choice, does it?

One thing that really, really, really sucks like BIG time: Our tv-station put Xena on a break! :( And after "Maternal Instincts", for goddes sake!!!
What kinda cruel unhuman creatures're they to do this to ME!!!

Gimme new Xena eps, right now!!! Oh, wayte: Godda but the vcr on... NOW, GODDES DAMN IT!!!!!

So, it's been a while. Again.
School's been kinda frantic at times. When I get home, I'm just too fuckin tired to do anything, or to go any where. well, today's friday'n we're supposed to go to this "Nightmarenight" at Mixei. I'm not in the mood for havin a good time right now. Hope this'll pass before tonight.

Im listening to the new album of Sevendust. Actuelly song No.8, "Licking Cream". it's a duo with Skin from Skunk Anansie. Surprize, surprize, it's my favourite song from the album :) but I do like the rest of the stuff too. Actuelly, it's damn fuckin great! As is the new Rage Against The Machine album, "The Battle Of Los Angeles"!

Gues, I should talk'bout the millenium as everyone else does, now that the big 2K is gettin closer'n closer... I dont've a "millenium philosophy" or any big hopes or fears'bout it. We're, ofcourse, gonna celebrate it hard'n loud! The plan's to go to Tarto, Estonia with'bout 4-5 people'n drink darkbeer at the local Irish pub. Enouhg twist there for me :)

Oh. I was supposed to but up some pics from our trip to Estonia today. But, i cant seem to be able to do that'cos I scanned'em with an imac'n when I tried to get them from my personal folder, they were no longer -jpg, or any other pic-files on a pc... Crappy! Well, i'll have to try to do it another time.

Im off now to pay our rent.
hmmm... I'd like to use a queto to end this up, but i cant remember anything that'd fit in'ere right now...Hmmm...Oh, well :

"Son of a baccai!" :D

Long time. Well Im'ere now. Actuelly I've been sitting in front of this machine way too many hours lately. But it's fun, so what the hell! Been working on my Xena page a lot. U might wanna check the links at "AXA's Ultimate Link List"'cos I've worked my neck stiff there today.
Any how...
The social workers came'n took Lauri away. Week ago, or so... He had stayed at our place'bout a month, when one morning when everyone else had allready left, Lauri went to open the door'n there're two civil cops there. Lauri's only turning 16'n has some school left to do.
He had planed it all so well. Had the school all aranged'n all, but the fuckin social workers didnt wanna do it the easy way, but to lock him up some place with mentally disturbed people...
He ran... But they found him. Think that was just a matter of time, but it all happened so damn fast, kicked us all right in the face. U know... One day u argue'bout who's turn it's to do the dishes'n the next day the boy who eventually did do it'n who u had realiced had become like a brother to ya...well... was gone... and would be for atleast the next 6 moths'n not coming back the next day...
Makes ya so fuckin mad... adn sad...
C ya.

So, it's monday...again... (Testing a different look on this page. Comments?)
Had a nice weekend. Feelin a little stiff, though... On friday we had a "toiletwarming party"'cos our bathroom has been under construction almost the whole summer'n it's ready now. Excuse for a party I think :)
Then on saturday our friend Markku had a costume party that we went to. I was "a bad boy" had soccer gear on'n stuff like that. Leo was my trans sexual "mom"(latex pants'n stuff like that. All black, ofcourse. Like usually.)
Sari kept changing her role all the time , but at first she was a whitch (is that spelled correctly? Oh, well...)Our fried Kaisa was "a wet latex dream", shocker if anyone of us was... Lauri was "a working man from the CCCP", but later on changed into "a techno queer boy". Oh waite, he changed into his own clothes, heh.
Boy did we shock some innocent little teenagers, hahahaaa!!!! That's more or less our version of havin a great time ;)
All to one, it was a really nice party'n there were also some nice people there too, who didnt automaticly change room when we rushed in.
Oh'n cant forget that season 3. of Xena Warrior Princess started on saturday! F-U-N-N-Y ep!!!! laughed my brains off there!
Aaaany how.... Now it's monday'n next weekend's to be spend workin the social relations with the family at my parents house. At least that wont mean so stiff neck'n legs that make amputation sound like a nice choice.
Bye for now. Ill get back to ya!!!

Hello again Im finnally sitting on a comp at my new school! Marvellous!Though, I wont stay long'cos I havet been eating all day, so I can hear the macarony'n cheese calling my name. This is more or less just a check in. So, hi.
Gonna try'n do all the stuff I have in store for ya, but its gonna take a while, since all the new students have to fight their way to the comp. bye!!!


Lotsa shit has happened since last time. Lets see... My school started 25.8 and it looks pretty damn nice.
The complite name of the place Im gonna spend the next 4 years of my life in's Tampere Polytechnic – School of Art and Media - Interactive net communication. or something like that, heh.
Oh and Xena's season 3 starts next saturday.
That's the fun part.
The other major thing's I broke up with my girlfriend 'bout a week ago. It was friday actually, so... That sucks, u know...
Well, that's all I've got to say'bout that for now. C ya later.


On the keyboard again. Had a nice week. We were just planing our trip to Estonia with my sis last night. We’re leaving next Tuesday. Gonna get u some pics! After that it’s just waytin for the school to start’n Im really looking forward to that!
Now Im really, really tired. Have been doin the new tufoc page all day’n it’s up there now, hiiiiiii!!! Go check it out at

Wow!Time flies, doesnt it?
Lets se what has happened since I last up dated?
Well, im done working at the Friends of the Earth office’n Im now spending my holiday before my school starts!
So, the next four years It’s "Tampere Polytechnic - School of Arts and Media - Netmedia" for me. Cool, eh?
I visited my girlfriend in Vaasa! It was quite nice.
Spend some time at her grandparents house in the farm. They have chicken’n these really cute sheep’n one pig’n a cat!
Oh yeah! We were at the Provinssirock festival June 18-20’n it was a blast!
I was so bruised after the Skunk anansie gig!
Me’n my sis were in the first line.
Even got to touch Skin when she came hanging over the fence to the audience! She's a total lunatic!
It’s so great to be a total fanatic, heh!
Other bands that we saw were Guano Apes(totally awesome!) The Gardigans, Blur(did they play a bad gig, or what…) some good Finish bands like CMX, Ultra bra, Master blaster, etc...
About two weeks after that we arranged a Street party at Tampere.
It was quite a job! Especially for Mervi. Her phone was ringing once in half an hour the whole week before the happening it self!
Wanna know what "Street party"s all’bout?
Check this out.
So, after the SP weekend Mervi came to visit my parents place’ere in Tikkakoski (yep, Im there right now).
The first two days went sleeping’n eating’cos we didnt have the time to do either one of those during that mad Street party weekend.
Really enjoyed those couple of days.
Now I havent been doin much anything than hangin around, havin a good time, being bored, drinkin cider, surfing the internet, riding my new GT mountain bike, swimming in the lake, playing with the dog, listening to music, worked a little for my fathers company...
Feels quite like summer should :)
So, now Im at he keyboard typing this down, listening to Garbage’n The Cranberries and SA.
Our parents left for Estonia this morning’n we have the whole place for our selfs for a week!!!
I really should get a photo of this place to the net.
It’s right next to the lake, surrounded by woods. But, only a bicycle ride away from the nearest store to go get cider’n beer!
AND both neighbours’re away for at least a week!
Well, Im signing out for now. C ya next time!!!

Summer's here! Finally!
Well, whats happenin? Hmmmm... Im still workin at the Friends of the Earth office. Gonna be there at least until july.
Skunk Anansie're comin to Finland!!! Yiiiii!!!
It's been over two years, since they last played'ere'n now they're coming to Provinssirock festival.
All ready bought my ticket, heh! :D
Im trying to get into a school. To the University of Tampere to study history, or this other place that I dont know how to write in english, but it's 'bout computers'n the internet, medias in the net, stuff like that.
Hope I'll get in somewhere.
Right now Im visiting my parents again.
My dad promised me a GT mountain bike if I get into some school. So I really hope it's gonna happen :)
I love the idea that summer's here'n
it's warm'n stuff, but it also means Im not gonna see my grrrl as much...
She has a job about 500km (well, almost…) from where Im gonna be'n that sucks!!! :(

Hi. No up date in a while, hu...
Well, these up dates're kinda rear'cos, as said, I dont've a comp of my own...
Easter's almost behind. Been spending it here at my parents house. Wasnt a happy one...
We managed to create a family crisis. A big one.
All because of one little misunderstanding. It was too close that my family could've fallen apart for good.
I've been kinda lost a few days, but somehow I knew it was gonna turn out ok. And it did...
But it was too close...
Thank god (or something else'cos Im not sure there's a god. Anyway...) Im gonna see my girlfriend tonight...
Miss her so much...
I'll see ya around :)

Hello! Long time no seen! But Im here again!
I've just started workin for the "Friends Of The Earth" organisation here in Finland'n I like it.
I was just adding my self to their mailinglist. Gonna add their webpage to my linkpage, as soon as I have the the time.
Now Im in a terrible hurry to get to the office! (Thats right. We dont own a net-com, but i can use the ones here at the university of Tampere) Ill get back to u later.
See ya!!!

Im back in school from Helsinki. Had a nice couple of weeks there. Especially the weekend that i was fortuned to spend with Mervi, who came to visit me, and Milja.
Milja’s a friend of Mervis’n she lives in Helsinki'n so we stayed the weekend at her place.
Hello Milja!
We had a really good time! The only way I could save enough money to actually have some fun, was to eat only macaroni'n ketchup, chees'n rye bread the who two weeks.
The amazing thing'bout it is that Im not even fed up with macaroni yet!
Go figure...
So, my school ends this Friday. I might get a job from the office of Maan ystävät.
The direct translation for the organisation would be "Frieds of the earth". Godda check that one out. Hope I get the job. Keepin my fingers crossed!
I have one major problem:
Where the f-ck am I gonna get enough money for my own computer!?
The answer, how ever,is simple:
Godda have to manage. At least there's internet in the libary'n at my parents house. Have to visit them often.
Oh yeah! Me'n my sis Sari got an apartment! It's just great! The place's almost in the center of the city (Tampere)'n the rent's not too bad either!
Happy, happy,joy, joy!!!

Hello! So, the year has changed (hah, not only the year!Oh, skip this line, ok?) and now it's time to start planing on the parties of the millenium!
Yeah, I know, I know I said I was gonna be away for two weeks, butfortunately I can use the comp at the TV-station! Actually, Im working right now! Well, workin'n workin...It's been really slow around here.
Im staying in an Eurohostel. Im not sure if its a world wide organisation, but I know there're Eurohostelsall around Europe. It's not as nice as in a hotel or motel, but it's really cheap. It's kinda a travellershome, or something like that.
What makes this really interesting is that Im in the capital of Finland, Helsinki, that is a lot bigger place than what Im used to, dunno anyone here'n dunno the city very well, etc, etc...
But, Im always ready for an adventure'n at least Igot my cell-phone with me, so Im able to receive'n send text notes! The curse of modern technology:
U dont need it when u dont have it, but when u do, there's no way to get along with out it! AAARRRGGHHH!!!!!!!
Oh, looks like Im done workin for today, heheh.... Godda go!

Christmas is finally over'n the new year's comin!
Havent been at my comp in a week'n it sure feels good to be back at the keyboard! Bought my self a Christmas present:
"Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Conor - Warrior Stars Of Xena" book!
But, im gonna be drifted away from the internet for over two weeks starting from Monday 4.1 -99. The reason, how ever, is very good. I have the opportunity to work at a TV station with the people who handle the cameras, shoote TV shows!
Hope they actually let me do something.Wouldnt wanna just sit around the studio for two weeks watchin others do all the job.
It's 2.47 a.m. and I've got a lotta work to do, catchin up, so this is it for now.
I know Im gonna have a helluva new year eves party if nothing else!
See ya in -99!!!

So, Im finally back. Havent been in the mood for writing anything lately...
We just started the production of a new movie. It's, surprise, surprise: a love story! Well, kinda anyway... I got sick at the first day of shooting'n Im the other cameraman, well cameragal in my case, heh! I got high fever'n stuff. Was really dying, or so it felt. Still got a sore throat, but got rid of the most of it with the power of
Im ready to go! We're shooting a wedding scene today.
Anyway, I gues Im not in the mood for this now after all, so Im signing off...

