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About me then. Well, well. Im 21-year-old grlll from Finland.
I have a few main interrests'n Ive put up some links for you, to find out more about'em. First of all, Im a big fan of Xena:Warrior Princess('n Gabrielle).
Here're some great Xena links!

Besides Xena'n Gab, Im a fan of Skunk Anansie.

I listen to a lotta music from a large range, but wont even try to list it all here'cos it'dd take me'bout a year'n a half to type it all in! But check out my music links!

I'm also into movies, drawin'n writing'n I play bass. Im not that brilliant, but it's fun :)
I dont read that much, but if I pick a book, it's Stephen King, Edgar Allan Poe, some political stuff, art history, or greek mythology.

Before I was more in to movie makin, but now Im totally hooked in the web. Im studying 'Interactivity Design' at Webmedia, at The Tampere Polytechnic- School of Art and Media. It's cool:)

Im a snow(skate)boarder'n like stuff like that. Its my style. Lately I've been more into mountainbiking or just terrorazing the city with my mt-bike! Related links.
Im also back into judo after a few years break. It's so cool to be back!!!

In short the description would be something like:

Some thoughts...
Up ya go
