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Some thoughts...


I'm gonna use the freedom of speech, now that I have the chance.
I'm not a great minded genious, or even a good writer, but I do have a mind of my own'n something to say now'n then...

Im a green minded lesbian idealist in a constant grossfire.
Actually Im not that much an idealist... In somethings...yeah.
Some things I know. Really KNOW, but in many cases, there seems to be two sides to my mind (at least..). Like, on the other hand Im a really peacefull'n smooth person, totally none-violent-lets-talk-about-it-first. BUT, the other side of me goes acting weird in the middle of a sale crowd in a shopping center, or if there's a situation where someone could hurt me, or someone close to me, or maby makes fun of something that's really important to me, I go like, "kick the morans brains out first'n talk then if you wanna!"
One of the basic rules I got: dont judge people by their looks, but what they do.
What's in your head'n what u do that matters.
U know, the western idealism'bout beaty is really shallow'n fucked up thing
kept alive by the huge wheels of business forces. That's whatI think.
BUT, I find my self admiring beatifull bodys'n falling into the world of some TV show'n buying all the available merchandice'bout it!
Isn't this so totally twisted, or what!?

(I gues there should be hysterical laughter after this line...)

I'm a vegetarian'n an average "world saviour", so to speak. I have strong opinions'bout the current situation on this planet of ours'n Im trying to do something'bout it. At least Im not sitting on my ass doin nothing (Well,da! Im sitting now writing this, but u know what I mean!)
I belive I can make a difference. That those who fight against "the western idea of a good life" = materialism, will one day not anymore be consideret only as a small group of so called "enviromental activist teens" in every turn, but people who know their stuff'n are in it because they really belive'n not'cos it might be "hip'n cool" to be part of some demonstration'cos it's not what your parents'd want you to do!

I know Im not perfect, and I dont even try to be. And I know it pissess some people off, when there're people saying "change your life style'cos it's destroying the fucking planet!",
I know it's easy to say, "get off my back! This is my life'n I'm gonna live it like I want to!" I know Im saying that too, but what really pissess me off, is the ignorance'n selfishness of people!
I cant see how we could be privileged to use up the earth'till it's dead! Ignoring the other living things on this planet, using'em to our own selfish purposes! It just doesnt fit in my head!

Who's AXA'n what does she do?