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The Cape Annual Conference Evangelist

The Call and Response

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It was 1970 while attending the youth movement "Frontiers" in the Methodist Church, Kensington, Cape Town with the writing of an epilogue for a program impelled the evangelist to make a commitment to the Lord. The piercing question .."do you believe what you have just shared with the young people" highlighted the need to practice the very words that one utters. The call to conversion and a dedicated life to Christ need to be a reality with the “preacher” before it can be preached.We need to be called, and not just feel like preaching.


Under the guidance of a man of faith and commitment, Peter Harley, Bible Study Classes became an "enjoyment" to look forward to. Whilst financial circumstances were not an advantage, the enrollment at the Methodist Christian Leadership Training center soon followed.

3 hours per night for 3 months at this centre gave the necessary "springboard" needed in this field called to by God. Stalwarts in the ministry and the movement to free God's people not only from sin and darkness but oppression by an oppressive regime, included Rev. Peter Storey, Rev. Dr. Alex Borraine, Prof. James Leatt, Prof Cumpfsty, Prof Derek Stone and the Rev. Abel Hendricks. On the political field trainers such as Johnny Issel, Dawood Khan, Norman Daniels, Joe Daniels were mentors par excellence. Colleague and friend, Trevor Manuel, now the minister of Finance in South Africa, indeed proved to turn his commitment to the community and humanity to an advantage for the people.

Dale Carnegie's course in human relations proved to be a valuable asset in the field of understanding those we seek to work with.
One of the first students to participate in the counseling course offered by Life-Line, then an integral part of the Methodist Church.Finally an enrollment with the Methodist Church for the local ministry saw a completion of two years' sucessful studies & training.

Five years with Frontiers (youth serving on the frontiers on society) proved the challenge from God a further readiness to be a servant of the people. Under the leadership of Peter Harley, a man dedicated to the service of God via service to people. Peter's concern for young people, his 30 years in active service was to his advantage. God really prepared him with wisdom and knowledge to be beacon to those in search of the truth. It was claimed that Frontiers was 20yrs ahead of its time. Upon reflection it can clearly be confirmed to even be 30yrs or more.Being with and leading the youth at grassroots level implanted a love for youth-work that cause this field to be the center of the ministry.
The motif of an eagle with an eaglet in its claws will always remain imprinted in my mind. An eagle will lift its young to dizzy heights and just drop it. As the young one falls, it will flap its wings and in this manner learn to fly or drop dead. Frontiers was used to get to that height. When leaving this movement, you either flew with wings provided by the Lord, or you drop out of the race. Upon reflection, this movement was really 20yrs or more ahead of its time with its programs reaching out and providing a place for young people to express themselves and develop their talents (sample of a type youth-program, planning and evaluation may be viewed on the program-planning link).


During the five years with Frontiers the Inter-Church Youth was establish and here contact was made with the African Methodist Church inter-alia. As a Lay Preacher the preaching of the Gospel in rural areas 300 - 600 miles away from home was an enrichment and encouragement to the ministry. 1975 due to a relocation of home-base became a member of the AME Church, Trinity Chapel in Grassy Park. Served as the ACF President, Director of the Board of Christian Education, local and the Lansdowne District. Served in the Cape Town District as Director of Leadership Training and Board of Christian Education Director. Served as the Director of Leadership Training on Cape Annual Conference Level as well as Richard Allen Youth Counsel Director. Serving the youth as the Cape Annual Allen Christian Fellowship President was the pinnacle of service to the youth in this field. Chosen to represent the youth of the 15th Episcopal District at the General Conference in Kansas City in 1984.
Musically inclined, three Gospel groups were initiated; Paramount Gospel Sounds, Habour Lights and Salt and Light. One of the few (if not the only) Gospel groups to travel the length and breath of South Africa with its ministry without demanding any remuneration for travelling or otherwise. God provided and made a way every time. Musical events were even staged to raise funds to supplement some of the rural preachers' stipends. Undertook a tour of 17 states in America during 1990 to establish contact with American counter-parts in music and ministry

Joining Metropolitan African Methodist Episcopal Church in 1983, once again via the Rev. Peter Mentoor highlighted the fact that we need to attend to the physical and well as spiritual need of people. The fight for total liberation continued as was fought more vigorously. Certified the Conference Evangelist of the Cape Annual Conference in 1984 by Bishop Henry Allen jun. the preaching of the Gospel reached even more souls than before. As stated previous the work of Evangelism continued without any financial support, the Lord provided a way to bridge the gap no matter how many hundred of miles.
The belief in the holistic Gospel led to the direction presently taken, to ensure that the unadulterated Gospel reaches God's people. That we will not set our eyes on material gain or the empty positions offered by the church. That we will not lose sight of the fact that we are but servants in His hands and we will continue

Serving on the Frontiers of Society

Let's get talking ..(5.45 to 7pm S.A Time)

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Evangelist Clive Pillay Ordained as an Itinerant Deacon in the Mocambican Conference

Refer report for background story

Other sites by the Evangelist

The Mozambican Connection
Church in South Africa
Metropolitan A.M.E.: Mitchells Plain
Metropolitan: Pictorial Trip
AME Church Developments in S.A.
The Comet: Electronic Newsleter
The Africa Jusrisdiction
Meditation for the Month
Tried and successful Program Planning
