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This is my impression of an online journal..... Do read on and be amused.


Come on guys, it's not CYA stuff, it's funny! At least I think so...

Sunday, August 13, 2000
Apparently I'm working somewhat regularly on updating this virtual playarea/link storage site. Jokes, Etc. has actually been updated recently (granted, the last update was in november or something, but hey... my 'puter's been ooc (to repeat... that's out of commission, not out of character, silly mudders/larpers!) (repeat meaning there's another copy of that thought somewhere in these pages... prolly in something having to do with games...). But anyway... I have gotten around to dusting the cobwebs off of the games page and updated stuff there, so check it out if you're interested. That's really about it for now... have a good day!!!

Thursday, August 3, 2000
I fixed a link placement (To My Child is not a poem in the Crow by J.O'Barr. So I moved it to the other table where it belonged). Also added Sting Links and a Wierd Al link to my links page. Why? Read on!
I have had a fabulous last couple of days! On Sunday, some friends and myself went to Great America. We were there from just after opening so we got to go on the big rides with (relatively) no wait!! It was so much fun! I went on the new Stealth ride (you have so got to try it!!! It is like nothing else. Except maybe flying in an arobatic plane, but that's another story....) and loved it, could you tell?!! I also went on Top Gun, still a favorite, even though it's not new anymore (hasn't been for quite a while, huh?) and a few others that aren't such a big deal, but still lots of fun, just not the insane wait if you get there past 10:30am. Everyone else went on Drop Zone, eventually, but I chose to be chicken and stay where I couldn't see all of the park rushing upward before my eyes from 22 stories up (everyone else, except Cindy, said it was the greatest rush...Cindy's afraid of heights. Her husband talked her into it after hours of cajoling...). We also went to the Wierd Al concert that night (which is why we went on that day anyway) and it was the best!! If you like Wierd Al and have never seen him in concert - DO IT!!! You'll thank yourself, trust me! He (and his band) seriously change costumes every song or two, depending on the song. During costume changes there were videos and parts of music videos playing on the screen (mostly the introduction of the music video, he would come out and perform the actual songs). It's kinda hard to describe unless you've seen it, SO GO!!!
And, to make my (weekend?) ever so much better, I won tickets from a local radio station to go see
Sting and k.d. lang in concert at the new Sacramento Valley Auditorium on Tuesday night. That was just the best! Granted I've been to very few concerts (all of which i think are mentioned in this posting) but the show was great! k.d. lang is a nut; she would talk to the audience quite a bit between songs, occasionally jokingly stating that we needed to get more excited or she wouldn't let Sting come out and play, which the audience seemed to find amusing. She has a really lovely voice. I'm not a great k.d. lang fan, but I really enjoyed her part of the show. Sting, on the other hand, I am a fan of. Not the biggest fan, but a decent one. Anyway, his show was spectacular. He didn't start until after dark (k.d. lang was before dark, fyi) so he had the whole screen thing for the lawn seats and lights and backdrop lighting, y'know, the whole nine yards... Another thing I would be hard-pressed to describe well, if at all... Wonderful, wonderful show. (pic1 and pic4 on this page in the pictures section are very similar to a couple of the backdrops for this concert. take a look!! they are from the same tour, just an earlier show) Songs played included (not in order of playing, neccesarily, this is merely the order i am putting them down. i probably have for gotten a couple anyway):
*The Vampire Song (that's what lee called it, not sure if that's it's name or not), update: I think this one is called "Moon Over Bourbon Street" ... the words are right for what I remember Lee calling the Vampire Song. The decorations for this song went very well with the song. There were three huge balloon looking things, one of which was made to look like a moon (hence looking like the song sounded...).
*If I Ever Lose My Faith In You (last song before encores or one of encores, i don't quite remember)
*I'm So Happy I Can't Stop Crying (right before this song he said, "Everybody happy? Good, now for a song about divorce." Audience laughed)
*Fields of Gold
*Every Breath You Take
*All This Time
*Englishman in New York (my personal favorite, i just like the sound!)
*If You Love Somebody Set Them Free,
*Desert Rose (i think that's the right name)
*Brand New Day (stage stuff for this included backdrop of stars with "fire" lamps scattered around stage... very cool)
*Seven Days
*Perfect Love...Gone Wrong (from the Brand New Day CD, hadn't heard this one before, didn't know the name, looked it it is!)
*and others I don't remember right off hand (i remember wanting a pen and paper at the concert....). I'll put them up as I remember or find the names for the ones I don't know.
I think that's prolly all I have to say about this show (it was great!!!!). He still has shows left in CA for the Brand New Day tour, so go!!!

Saturday, July 29, 2000
I have another Jokes, Etc. to share with you! Just wander over here and check it out! I also added another writing, emailed to me by my friend Taddy.
I apologize for being out of commission for so long... my computer completely died... my hard drive just decided not to work anymore, so it was hanging out at a friends house trying to extract information from it so I could keep the suff i have on it... it mostly worked...I knew there was a reason I kept everything on disk....

Thursday, April 27, 2000
I have more wonderful poetry to share with you! My friend Joe, aka Romeo, graciously gave permission for the poems he has sent me to be placed upon this humble website!! Check them out!!

Saturday, April 8, 2000
Today I added a few more links, in a number of different section. I also cleaned up some of my code (like it's squeaky anyway, o amateur that i am...) so the links page doesn't reload every time you just want to move up and down it (saves on time and least i found it annoying). That's pretty much it for now, my life is hectic and yet incredibly boring at the same time...

Saturday, March 4, 2000
Happy New Year, everybody!!
Sorry for the break in service, if anybody noticed...things have been wierd for the last couple of months and I'm just getting settled back in. I now have another modem (mine died a horrible death, albeit apparently in its sleep...) and time to be online again. This is a good thing in my world, albeit frustrating for my roomates (we only have one line, but i intend to fix that sometime soon). School is once again in session and this is also a good thing in my world. Other than that, my life is as unentertaining as ususal. So be cheered, dear reader, yours isn't the only source of boredom in the world (you've got to be bored to read this...)

Thursday, December 2, 1999
Between last entry and today I learned this wonderful thing that lets you link to the middle of a page instead of just to the top of a page and have instituted it (using a run-on sentence)on both my Games page and my Links page. I think they're fun. I also fixed a couple of pointless and broken things, usually both at the same time (broken links are pointless, yes?). Other than that, I've been slow about updating, as usual, and generally procrastinating as per the norm. But so what else is new?

Wednesday, October 27, 1999
Today I completely rearranged my links page. I have little mini bookmarks in it now, so you can jump to the parts of the page you actually want to see...amazing... it was just getting too cumbersome in my I fixed it (i think). I like it anyway.

Friday, October 8, 1999
Today I did a lot of pointless net surfing(it was fun!!) and came across a link, which I followed, took a test and discovered I am, as of today, 69% pure. Very interesting...

Friday, October 1, 1999
Today I am leaving to attend October Crown, an SCA event. It should be fun... Today I also added a back button to my artwork page (i hate dropping in on pages with no connection to the rest of the book) and a new link to my Links page, which is a nice change of pace. I'm working on a new way of displaying my links, but it's slow...

Tuesday, September 28, 1999
School is wonderful...I have internet GE classes and they are much more fun than sitting in a classroom listening to things I don't find remotely interesting but have to take anyway...ugh...
Today I put up a new Jokes, Etc list and added a few things to my joke page in general... they're at the bottom, I hope people look there... I also changed (very minorly, can you find it?) the setup on my front page... I fixed the Writings by Others page. Currently it has only writings on it, but one of them is from the promised Crow poetry. Eventually, the poems in the Crow will be here, in order even. In the meantime, be patient.

Tuesday, August 17, 1999
School starts in a week... I should be updating this page a bit more often then...hopefully...
I have encountered a new influence in my life...well...probably not new, but newly brought to my attention. The newest additions to my page includes poetry and links to things related to "The Crow" movie and the book by J. O'Barr. Realization is brought on slowly, or like a thunderclap...

Tuesday, May 11, 1999
This page brought to you in part by Kristin, without whom unlinked links may never have been noticed by yours truly. Seriously, she was checking out my additions and came up with the 'we're sorry' page just a few too many times... so everybody think good thoughts in her general direction and go visit her new and improved page...
Warning: now entering Dead Week (aka the week before finals), so please think pleasant and encouraging thoughts in my general direction as well.

Thursday, April 22, 1999
Today I altered my Writings section... I added tables!! They are rather nifty things, tables... sure makes organizing the poetry part a lot easier!
Sorry, no joke update yet.

Tuesday, April 20, 1999
Today I finally am going to do something to my page again...I think... Toby has complained about the lack of different dragons on in my little playarea on the web. Perhaps I forgot to mention that the entire reason I put this page up was for the specific dragons that abound here? Well, I did, so there, and other such things.... but I do agree with him and will remedy that shortly. I do have other pictures, they just aren't up (not at all like my wedding pictures)...(which will eventually expand.... really....)

Friday, April 2, 1999
Today I finally got around to putting up more gaming links... thanks to Brent for sending me bunches of Shadowrun pages. If you don't know what Shadowrun is, you're missing out. Why don't you visit my games link (right through the normal links link) and check out a bunch of stuff?... come on, you know you wanna! Anyway, so I did that and messed with other barely noticeable stuff. Nothing terribly interesting... New pics should be up next week, if things go as planned (i wish i had a scanner, i wish i had a scanner...). I have to depend on kindly souls to scan my pics for me, so there's no real telling when I'll remember to give them my photos and then when I'll get them back... I'm sure you understand (right bob?).

Friday, March 26, 1999
Some online journal this is turning out to be.... Anyway, it is the end of Spring Break for me, which explains the cleaning up I have been doing. You may or may not have noticed the missing links that have been zotted (there used to be links to arthurland, but they seem to have wandered off???? will be replaced/repaired soon....researching), but they have... Life has been minorly hectic lately, due to finally having time to do rl stuff, and actually doing it (christmas presents mailed, yea!). There is also the everpresnt-during-break midterm freak-out (okay, i'm not really freaking, but i do have tests and papers due the second break is over), and other miscellaneous calls upon my time and energy. So, I shall be off to satisfy their demands, hopefully soon to be my own person once again...

Tuesday, February 23, 1999
Wow, I guess I really haven't been writing here much. But I've been doing quite a bit. I added a new joke link, (you may have noticed it up there)(and if you didn't, go check it out!) and have been updating it regularly. Like every Tuesday, even.... aren't you proud of me? Well, you should be. Anyway, if you have any contributions to my joke page, please tell the mail dragon at the bottom of your page and he will be happy to relay the message. I've also gotten around to putting up some of my poetry, so go check it out! And I've put up links (finally...) for my Arthurian Legends link page. It took me long enough, but they're there and they aren't wimpy links. So go visit those too!

Tuesday, February 2, 1999
Today I fixed the new page that I put up. Thanks to David and Lee for catching my loose ends. I think that sometimes I try to get more complicated and then forget exactly what I was doing. But I'm having fun, does that count for anything?
School is fun. I'm enjoying the wide array of subjects I chose for this semester. All of my teachers are interesting, contrary to some past semesters, so that helps a lot, as I'm sure you all know.

Monday, February 1, 1999
Today I put up a new page. Nothing else is really intersting at this time.

Tuesday, January 19, 1999
I finally fixed my broken links and added a pic. I still need to resize the second wedding pic. It's just a tad too big.... I'll figure it out eventually, I'm sure. Anyway, today was my first day of school. It's so great to not work and go to school at the same time. My calculus teacher was thrilled to hear that I had quit. I have tried to take her calc class three times, but ended up with screwy hours at work and would end up sleeping through her class, missing it, or something equally annoying. But now my husband is making enough that we can afford for me to not work. He's graduating this May, we hope. His grad check hasn't come back yet. Well, that's about all the stuff that's even moderately interesting, so bye now.

Wednesday, January 13, 1999
Well, I tried. But this photo thing is much of a challenge to my limited talents in page-authoring. But I will overcome it eventually, I promise. It just might take me a while, that's all. Thank you to Taddy for letting me know some of my links were nonexistant. Well, they were there, on the source code, but no words that somebody could click on. So I fixed it. Next?.....

Tuesday, January 12, 1999
Today I proudly present my Gallery. This is where you can see pics of my friends, family, and artwork. It is also my first attempt to get pics somwhere other than my box of photos at home, so be patient and thank Bobbin if it turns out. She's been a great help. So far I just have one uploaded and am having a difficult time getting Angelfire to cooperate with getting it actually on the page, but it's there. I also have several more scanned. I'm so excited!! Now Taddy can quit bugging me!! Well, not yet, the wedding pics aren't up. But I have a really cute one of my nieces from last May. A more recent photo to come soon.

Well, anyway, my last day at work is Friday and I'm so happy to be out of here. The last year has not been so good. I start school in a week and for once I'll be able to go to classes and not be paged in the middle of them or have to be late because my office wanted me to stay "just a minute longer." I had a night class two semesters ago that started at 7 pm. I was supposed to be in town by 6:30 at the latest, they said. I was regularly back by 7:30. Okay, enough griping. So how's everyone out there?

Friday, January 8, 1999
I hope you all had a good holiday season, etc, etc (i'm sure you've heard this a thousand times). I had a pretty good time visiting way too many people for Christmas and watching people get drunk amusingly for New Years. Except the guy who kept thinking he was more drunk than he was. Everyone else was amusing, he was just annoying. I haven't been doing much to this small domain of mine because I ran out of ideas of what to do to it (any suggestions would be appreciated... short of deleting my account - shaddup Phil....). But a few new and interesting things have happened. I have access to a scanner, so hopefully pics will be appearing within the week. Congratulations Taddy, Rebekah and Sam were scanned first and may be showing up later today (their picture was conveniently located at my office). Actually it will have to be before next Friday, because I am quitting my job *cheer* and being the college student I claim to be. I have also access to a choice of major - I think I am going to be an architect. Whether or not I make it will be informed to me by some sort of committee that decides if and when I graduate, but that's beside the point. But I'm actually making a decision and going for about that? Let's see, anything else vaguely interesting? Oh, yes...Phil is getting a page dedicated to him in my little book on the web. It's very cute. Enjoy, Phil! I guess that's about it for now. Please continue to explore my fairly teensy-but-still-growing-or-trying-to home.

Tuesday, November 17, 1998
Aha! I now have permission from my friend Beth to put up any writings of hers that I may have aquired over the years. But be warned, she often writes darkly. I also have permission from Tad to put her poetry up here too. The same warning applies. I don't have too much of her "happy" stuff.

Friday, November 13, 1998
Does anybody have any idea why Friday the 13th is supposed to be such a scary thing? I've never understood it.

Where I found the dragons...