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Personal Contact Experiences

The Extraterrestrial Contact Hypothesis:
People Speak Out VOLUME I

INTRODUCTION: How many of you have seen what you would interpret as a ghost, bigfoot, or some other phenomenon you could not explain? I would speculate that this would account for 99% of the people here on Earth. This being the case, I would theorize that the UFO and all of its related phenomenon falls into the same category. Researchers such as Vallee, Hynek and Montgomery are slowly peeling back the layers of distortions and embracing the concept that the UFO phenomenon lies somewhere between the realm of the normal and the paranormal. There are UFO researchers who want to "kick the tires" as Vallee would say. This is done with their own preconceived notion of what the UFO phenomenon represents. Perhaps they are trying to prove that we are being visited by extraterrestrials. Are they completely ignorant of the fact that the case histories of extraterrestrial contact did not always involve tangibly real phenomenon that we can evaluate and study under a microscope? Who says that UFOs are coming from other planets? Yes, this is certainly a tangible possibility. But that is NOT the only possible explanation.

The UFO Resource Center is working hard to reform old, prejudicial concepts of the UFO phenomenon. Efforts like ours has given the experiencer a chance to come out of the closet with their lifetime of encounters, so that the serious UFO investigator can embrace the phenomenon objectively, without preconceptions.

I know that some of you reading this have knowledge of someone dear to you who is experiencing encounters with UFO phenomenon and don't know where to turn. My advice to you is to contact UFORC immediately, before contacting any other UFO organization. The Director himself has had first hand experience with this phenomenon, both having seen UFOs on numerous occassions, as well a having been in contact with their pilots. There are certain things that you should know before tackling this problem yourselves, and we at U.F.O.R.C. are here to help steer you in the right direction. (See "UPDATES" below)

We can not erase nor can we remove the damage that has been done to past research, but we must move forward without preconceived notions of what the UFO encounter represents. How many have been labeled as being crazy, when in fact they were in touch with another reality? How many have had to go through life with this stigma attached to their medical history because the medical community was not prepared to handle, nor were they prepared to entreat this persistent phenomenon. It appears that first contact was made by these true pioneers. A contact between our worlds and theirs, wherever that may be. Let the phenomenon speak for itself, without adding to or detracting from the beauty of its truths.

Peter Gursten has been on a crusade to CAUS the government to release everything they know about UFOs, secret or otherwise. I received an e-mail from Peter, Director of the Citizens against UFO Secrecy on July 9, 1999. His sage comments on Personal Contact Experiences are included as follows; and I quote:



"It appears, from a reading of...previous commentaries...that we can be certain of at least one thing in this 3D reality we call our existence: No matter what this other intelligence or lifeform turns out to has violated, and continues to violate, what we have come to honor and respect as the "Prime Directive."Pure and simple...this intelligence/lifeform is covertly interfering in the "natural" evolution of our species...without our informed consent. There is evidence that it has introduced into our reality, an advanced technology that we were, and are still, not ready for spiritually, intellectually and emotionally. There is also evidence that it continues to treat our species as a lower form of life and incapable of self determination. It continues to demonstrate a complete lack of respect.And now CAUS shares with enlightened understanding of possibly a very unusual lifeform that has always existed in this same reality with us. Do not be misled by appearances."


1) [UFORC case #2] UFORC thanks CAUS and Tony *snip*, who writes: "Been reading all the commentaries. Mind if I spout off too? Have been reading about the ET phenomenon for about 15 years. I'm like you, Peter - never seen one, never been abducted, but gee, isn't it fascinating? While you work the trenches, I read and try to keep an open mind about it. I don't have any answers (who does?), but I have a theory (who doesn't?). Want to hear mine?Although my wife has seen a UFO, and I have a friend who is an abductee, who was once taken for 3 days, unfortunately the issue has gotten stale lately - something I never thought it would. [And, I'm sure it wouldn't if I was being abducted regularly] What I need is a reality-check [ha ha]. Less of PCE's which say: "Here's something weird that happened to me the other day, I don't know what it could be" and then 10 paragraphs later, says "Oh, and by the way, I think I've had unexplained things happen all my life, and the lives of my mom, dad, brothers, sisters, grandpa and grandma, etc., etc."No one knows what the heck's going on - with this, or any other supernatural area. But, as one of your PCEer's commented awhile back: "..I feel that on some level, I've consented to this.." Whoa. Let's explore this. I know how spiritual you are from the comments you make about Life, the Universe, 'This Reality' on Planet Earth, and so forth, so I know you'll follow me on this. I'm not trying to question your commitment to those who are suffering. Just trying to bring up a possible explanation.There's another phenomena where nobody knows what the heck's going on either. But its happening to at least as many people as contactees. It's the people who claim to have had near death experiences (not associated with UFO's - although many claim their "spiritual body" is flying through space at incredible speed). These reports are just as fascinating, and just as mystifying, as PCE's. No one knows if these are 'real' either, but the people are as real, and as credible. My wife is one. One of the common reports of the "NDE'ers" is that entities in the spiritual realm seem to incarnate on Earth for a reason - there's some purpose to fulfill. Although I haven't a clue whether our lives are 'preordained,' anything's possible. And if so, then its possible that abductees consented to it in the spiritual realm before coming here, to fulfill that glorious purpose (whatever that is). Interesting that abductees speak of a 'veil' blocking their ability to remember their experiences with aliens. This is the same term used by NDE'ers when referring to not only our memories of who we were before entering the material plane, but what happened during their NDE, as well as specific things having been "blocked out," for whatever particular reason. Of course, NDE'ers aren't paralyzed on lab tables, experimented on, etc. But not all of their experiences are pleasant either. But they do come away with a sense of "the big picture" - and when its in a book we can read, then we can share the experience and reach some conclusions.So, my feeling is that while abductees are suffering, there may be an explainable reason. And if they indeed 'consented' to this before incarnating (for whatever universal reason), they might not be able to remember it, but perhaps they could explore it as a possibility, and see if some sort of remembrance comes to them. This may help bring some peace to their lives." UFORC CASE NO. CAUS#JUL1099COO1-ETCH


UFORC thanks CAUS and Tom Johnston *snip* for ABDUCTEES WITH SIMILAR DREAMS: "I just thought that I would let you know about something . I belong to asupport group for abductees . Several of the members possess varying psychicabilities and levels of precognition . We discuss dreams quite frequentlyand in the last two weeks there seems to be a trend in the dreams of visionsof earthquakes , volcanoes and tidal waves . Just power of suggestion, maybe, but I was wondering if you have received any stories from people who have had similiar visions . It just seems to me that it is unusual for 5 or 6 people in a group of about twenty regulars to have similiar nightmares."


UFORC thanks CAUS and Wireless News Flash* for the following article:
(Wireless Flash) – There may be an answer to recent reports of "flying saucers" engaging in aerial dogfights over Puerto Rico. A British UFO researcher claims the sightings are actually two rival alien factions waging war to see who will get control of the island. Raymond Robinson says the war involves the so-called "gray" aliens and a humanoid race called "the Nordics." According to Robinson, the war broke out because the United States government secretly traded Puerto Rico to the gray aliens more than 40 years ago in exchange for ET technology. What the government didn't know back then was that the gray aliens are planning to colonize Earth with alien hybrids. Robinson claims the US has enlisted the help of the Nordic aliens to squash the gray aliens, but so far there's no clear winner in the battle. A spokesman for the Puerto Rican Tourism Bureau says he's unaware of any extraterrestrial wars being waged on the island – but he promises to look into it. *Copyright © 1998 Wireless Flash News Service. All rights reserved.


1)UFORC thanks CAUS and John, who writes: "The scenario of the scientists arriving by helicopter and 'abducting,' examining, and electronically tagging a buffalo is a human practice I have long thought parallels and lends credibility to reports of aliensabducting humans. I am a civilian pilot and flight instructor with some engineeringbackground and several thousand flight hours. I also have an interest inscience and technology in general, and astronomy, space travel, andoptics in particular. I have never seen anything in the sky I couldn'texplain, nor have I had any missing time or paranormal experiences.I quickly recognize supposedly 'convincing' UFO photos and videos I'veseen on TV and elsewhere as standing lenticular clouds, shiny aircraftsurfaces reflecting sunlight, ceiling lamp(s) reflected in a windowpane, military jet afterburners at night, aircraft or motor vehiclelights (at times badly out of focus) or some other phenomenon that is ofhuman or natural origin. But, even though I've never seen atoms or subatomic particles, I stillbelieve they exist. Moreover, the concept of 'life forms possessing a technology so advanced that we can't even comprehend it, let aloneduplicate it' is not nearly as big a leap of faith as 'seemingly solidmatter is really mostly space, punctuated by particles so small that ourbest electron microscopes see only the interference wave patterns thatimply their existence.' The best illustration to date, as far as I know, of the vastness of the universe, is the opening scene in the movie, 'Contact,' or maybe the short film, 'Powers of 10,' that has been shown in city planetariums orscience centers. 'Powers of 10' starts 1 meter above a couple having apicnic on a blanket in a park, and over the course of a few minutes,backs away to the edge of the known universe. Each "check point" alongthe way is 10 times farther out than the previous one. The Earth, andsoon, our entire solar system, quickly recedes into the distance anddisappears from sight early in the journey. Anybody who could see either of these films, and still believe that theodds are that the sub-microscopic speck in the cosmos we call "Earth" isthe only place where life happened to evolve intelligence andtechnology, would have to be so narrow-minded as to be able to seethrough a keyhole with both eyes.Even if 'they' are out there, could 'they' ever cover the vast distancesto interact with us? With our current technology and by our currentunderstanding of physics, it is highly unlikely. What is always"assumed" is that the ET has found a 'loophole' (or is that a wormhole?) in the laws of physics as we understand them, and has thetechnology to greatly exceed the speed of light, and/or travel in time.Is this too much to believe? A few decades ago, a common remark intended to discourage people fromtrying something was, 'You could no more do that than go to the moon.' There was a time when people thought there was an impenetrable sound barrier. There was a time before that when people thought that if youwent faster than 60 m.p.h. you couldn't breathe. As correctly pointed out on one of the UFO documentary type programs on TV, there are stars BILLIONS of years older than our Sun. If they have planets, those planets got quite a head start on us in theirevolutionary history. What would civilized life forms be like that had that much of a head start on us? Some of them may have evolved wellbeyond even our normal sensory perception, let alone comprehension. Increasing evidence is that planets orbiting other stars are not rare. Present technology only allows us to detect extra-solar planets of'Jupiter-mass' and larger. The way extra-solar planets are currentlydetected is by measuring the 'wobble' of a star, which is caused by the gravitational pull of the orbiting planet. The more massive the planet,and the closer it is to the star, the more it makes the star wobble. An Earth-mass planet, orbiting a Sun-like star, at a distance that wouldallow Earth-like temperatures, would not make a wobble that we cancurrently detect. Actually seeing an extra-solar planet has beencompared to trying to see a lit cigarette along side of a car headlight 100 miles away. So, what we cannot yet determine, is how rare are planets that are theright mass and distance from stable enough stars that conditions wouldallow life to start, let alone evolve technology, before becomingextinct due to natural causes. However, as our technology improved over the last few decades, many moreand smaller moons were found to be orbiting the outer planets in our ownsolar system than were known when I was a kid. It seems only reasonablethat further technological improvement in extra-solar planet detectionwill reveal more and smaller planets orbiting other suns. The point is, even if Earth-like planets orbit an extremely minutefraction of the total number of stars, that total number is so largethat it would be ridiculous to think that something resembling 'Earth' only happened once. There could easily be several civilizations millionsor even billions of years more advanced than ours (as well as some ETpre-dinosaurs, and everything in between). If people from Biblical times(only a couple of thousand years ago) witnessed a space shuttle launchwhat was happening would be at the edge of, if not beyond, theircomprehension. Also pointed out on the aforementioned TV show is that a couple of billion years ago, the most advanced life form on Earth was a worm. How would a worm perceive or interpret a space shuttle launch?Which brings up the next point. I've had second thoughts about the 'buffalo abduction' scenario. It seems like we are being pompous inpresuming to be able to figure out the alleged aliens' agenda, based onour own, human and cultural terms. Events or sightings that resemble UFOreports go back for millennia. What more could 'they' possibly learnabout us from their abductions and examinations that they didn't alreadyfind out back then? Possibly the effect on our bodies of pollution,artificial food additives, and other environmental factors that aredifferent now? Two other possibilities have occurred to me. One is that the aliensallegedly visiting now are a different species from the ones thatpreviously visited. They may come from a completely different civilization, from a different planet and star system than previousvisitors, and they may have only recently discovered us, so they wanttheir own firsthand data. Again, though, this is presuming their agendawould be like we think our agenda would be, if the situation were reversed. When I was a kid, I caught grasshoppers and put them in a glass jar withair holes punched in the lid, and some grass and a twig to crawl on. I'd keep them a few hours or a couple of days, then release them. I alsoremember once filling a jar full of June bugs and watching them crawlover each other. I was amused for a while, then I released them.This may be difficult for the human ego to take, but, what if thereported aliens that abduct people are just 'kids' and they're just heremessing with us? Maybe a spacecraft, for an alien kid, is as common as abicycle or skateboard for a human kid. Maybe their parents have outgrownsuch activities and have better things to do. Maybe the alleged aliens responsible for people's reported negativeabduction experiences are actually ET juvenile delinquents in stolen spacecraft. Or, (only slightly less ego-deflating) what if abductees are merely thesubjects of the senior thesis of alien biology majors?"

On June 4, 1999, Peter Gursten offers these comments: "I ask myself why do most ETs only use the cover of darkness for their activities? Why do they wait until we fall asleep and sneak into our dreams without our permission? Why don't they knock before they enter? Or visit us in our offices during the day? Or join us on a picnic? Or tell us about themselves? On second thought I would never take, at face value, anything another lifeform tells me. I would love to cross-examine just one ET, whether it be a grey, a Pleiadean, a reptoid, an insectoid or a Nordic. Why does most of all the channeled ET information contain the same theme? How come we don't channel the 'bad' ETs so they can tell us what they really want? Why doesn't the the Ashtar Command come to Sedona and stay for dinner? Why haven't we learned anything about the ETs culture, society, ethics, language, religion, form of life or origin? Do they die? Do they dream? Are they abducted? How come they do not beliee in sharing information? Maybe there are no ETs after all...but something we have created from within?As far as I am concerned these so-called 'bad' ETs are all cowards and thugs...selecting defenseless and helpless children as their victims. And the so-called 'good' ETs are no better...teasing us with their messages of peace and love while hiding themselves from public attention and scrutiny.So I challenge all ETs whoever and whatever you are...come visit me instead of our children. Come out of your hiding places and take me to wherever you do your dirty work. I dare I challenge you. Confront me or leave the children alone. Or are you afraid of the light of day and the power of truth?"

From "Member's Commentary"

1)UFORC thanks CAUS and Tim Beckley *snip* who writes: "I am afraid we make to many assumptions in the UFO field. First of allwe cant even tell the real UFOs apart from the identifiable objects; orcan we tell for certain which abduction cases are valid in the strictphysical or metaphysical sense of the word and which are not. How can wereach any one conclusion when there may be several we can reach? Some researchers claim millions of earthlings have been abducted butthat figure is so grossly out of sync with reality. If that were trueinstead of being 300 people at a UFO gathering who want to find out thetruth there would be 30,000 in the audience. If something this massivereally were going on people would be pounding on our doors day andnight. The truth lies somewhere in the middle. I don't want to sound likea Jim Moseley; but we have to be careful what we believe. Some peopleare looking for attention and are prone to add on to their experiencesfor the sake of the listener. Its no difference than the old contacteestories but now instead of being the good guys the aliens have becomethe boogie men. Every experience, I am sorry to say, cannot be taken atface value. It could be some secret agency of the government is involvedin this as a mind control effort, and it would be good to blame thealiens instead of these sinister earth bound figures. I do believe alot of this dates back to after World War II when we allowed Nazicriminals to enter the country to help develop our space program andthey may be the originating source for some of this mind control and socalled alien intervention. The CIA would rather have us believe inboogie men from the sky then in our own criminal behavior. As usual thepublic can do what they are told but the government and the military cando what they want when they want...and horse shit if you think its forthe sake of "National Security" -- its for their own damn sake. We need more research and less conclusions...conclusions are a dimea dozen in this field. Everyone has one. And like I always say whenpeople ask my opinion about UFOs...I always tell them UFOs actindependently of my thinking and everyone else's." (Tim Beckley is the former editor of UNCENSORED UFO REPORTS).

2)UFORC thanks CAUS and Patti *snip* who writes: "I have been following this latest discussion with interest.I have never been abducted, in fact I have never seen a UFO, except onfilms and videos, but I must say I have to agree with the majority ofopinion here that abduction, and unwanted examinations are unjustifiableand that's all there is to it.Any race advanced enough technically to build the vehicles they have couldacquire the physical knowledge they needed through much less painful andintrusive methods. Our own medical science is capable of garnering hugevolumes of information about us with painless tests, and if these beingsdon't posses that level of medical knowledge they surely have the abilityto obtain it, all they need is a library card!Any race advanced spiritually and mentally as is claimed for these goonswould have the decency to at least try to minimize the fear experienced bytheir subjects, and answer their questions about why this was being done. For those of you who have been singled out for this experimentation, AnnDruffel who is probably the most experienced UFO investigator on the planet with 42 yrs in the field, has written a book on how to fight off an abduction attempt. Her techniques come from many interviews with people who have managed to foil this ugly behavior, and if I had any suspicion that this was happening to me, I'ddamn well want all the help I could get.Good luck to all of you who are going through this, I'm glad some of youare able to salvage some positive aspects of this, but I for one wouldrather learn to fight these bullies.Take care, and keep up the good work Peter, my check is in the mail."

3.)UFORC htanks CAUS and High-Ameyaw who writes: "I thoroughly enjoyed the conversation with R.T. It is, perhaps, one of the few CAUS emails I have read all the way through. I don't know why I startedto read this one, either. (Usually, time keeps me from reading every singleemail but I have stopped to read some specific ones, like the one on theblue alien.)Anyway, I really liked the argument R.T. set forth and was amazed, actually,by his reasoning ability and intellect at such a young age. And somehow inmy mind, I don't think it's so unlikely that what he says is so, or is atleast a really viable possibility.Fortunately, for me, I have not experienced alien abduction. As much as Idon't like what I hear about some of these aliens, I'm not totally convincedthat they are evil. Don't get me wrong, I would not want to experience whatsome folk say they have. But it could be as R.T. suggests that what they dois not a conscious act in the way our testing of animals for scientificresearch is an act of deliberate cruelty. It's all in the name of science,right? It's all for the greater good of humanity.Further, I think that R.T.'s reflections on this caused me to think ofsomething else, too. It is not necessarily reasonable for us to assume thatthey are being cruel/evil in what they do because ostensibly, their'culture' is different from ours. It makes me think of how when whiteexplorers or anthropologists, or whomever, went into Africa and deemed the'natives' all savages, for instance, because they had different clothingstyles from Europeans (just to mention one historical experience). Theyinserted their cultural understanding into a new situation and determinedthat based upon their own culture, the new cultures they met were inferior,etc. Well, that idea makes me think that we are looking at these aliensonly in the eyes of our earthly human understanding, and determining thatthey are morally horrid based on our understanding of morality. And indeed,according to that, perhaps they are. But can they be held 'accountable,' assuch, for their understanding of our culture? I don't know if they arenecessarily more or less 'advanced,' 'civilized,' or 'spiritual' than us butit seems we need to acknowledge that sort of difference.At any rate, like others of your readers, I'm sure, I was so surprised bythe sudden turnaround. Was that some kind of hoax, or a real change ofheart/mind? (I'm presuming that you got the first letter one day, and thechanged one the next.) Or, did he scare himself by putting himself(so-to-speak) out there for all the world to hear? I'd be very interestedin hearing more from this young man.Like one of your other readers,, I am convinced that adistinction must truly be made between understanding a motive and agreeingwith it. I know I couldn't have said it better than that!"

4)UFORC thanks CAUS and Anne *snip* who writes: "While I do not support the mistreatment and/or exploitation ofany human being by any creature or person--extraterrestrial orotherwise--I feel compelled to point out a reason why you and CAUS (whichI DO support) might run into some degree of opposition. If a person isabducted, he or she most likely experiences a barrage of conflictingemotions: fear and awe, disgust and disbelief, and numerous other shadesin the spectrum of feeling that vary from person to person. Even if theviolations you and your group are seeking to prosecute the visitors(invaders?) for take place, the victim might perhaps feel that, despitethe pain and terror created by the experience, he is somehow 'special.' Think about it: most people are conditioned their whole lives to put ETsin the same category as sprites and leprechauns: subjects of fantasy,children's' stories, and the hallucinations of the insane. When a personwith no history of delusions or even interest in UFOs finds himselfaboard a strange craft being poked and prodded and looked over by beingsthat are definitely not human, what is he to make of the experience? Thehuman mind, when forced to deal with something it has been told not toaccept, will either shut down or begin to rationalize. I think that if Iwere abducted--no matter WHAT the aliens did to me--I would be glad ofthe experience, because it would prove to me once and for all that humansare not the only intelligent life in the Universe. That life itselfmight have some higher and more significant purpose than simply toreproduce. The abductee may WANT to believe that his abduction played apart in this 'high purpose'; certainly, an abduction is about the leastmundane thing a human can experience! This brings me to my next point. If what CAUS is saying aboutthe abductions and government knowledge of them is true, it strikes me asextremely important that culture itself be informed so that it may adaptto process this new information. ETs should become a fact of life,something commonplace, something discussed in local police blotters. Itmight take generations, but we must remove the mystical quality of ETvisits and abductions if we are to respond appropriately to crimesagainst humanity. Like I said above, I think I would welcome a 'close encounter,' but only because I am skeptical by nature and I likefirsthand proof before I dedicate myself to a cause. I'm sure the ETsare milking this fearful "worship" of them for all it is worth. Justbecause they are technologically advanced--as commented in the laste-mail comment list by someone--does not mean they are morally superior;if we let them dominate us, they will."


1.) UFORC thanks CAUS and (ananymous) who writes: "This was one of the better CAUS Updates. I know I would enjoy talking with RT. His discourse with you about the Aliens is one of the more intelligent and reasoned I have seen so far. Until his last paragraph, in which he reversed himself, I was in total agreement with his analysis of the purpose of the Alien visitations. As much as I support CAUS (and I most emphatically DO), this nagging little voice keeps telling me that the Aliens cannot be all bad. RT's argument states it nicely. My main reason for being fully in support of CAUS is that maybe through it we can learn the truth. Whatever that truth may be, I believe we are entitled to know it. If the Aliens are committing crimes, they should be held accountable. There can be a distinction made between understanding a motive and agreeing with it. I remain unconvinced that the Aliens are evil. Just because I don't understand what they are doing or why, doesn't make them evil. I'm also not convinced that there is only one race of alien involved. It may well be that there are several races, some with more lofty ideals (by our standards) than others.RT's final paragraph rather stunned me. I find it difficult to believe that he could carry on a well-reasoned correspondence with you over time, and then, suddenly, have one face-to-face meeting with a Gray Alien and do such a total about-face! Could it be that the Aliens don't WANT us to like them? Perhaps it offends their consciences to do experiments on a species that likes them (much as it pains us to have to do painful things to our pets, for their own good. How much easier it is to dislike what we hurt, or, at least, not to have any emotional baggage concerning it). Sounds to me as though RT was given something akin to a posthypnotic suggestion to argue against liking the Aliens!I am not convinced at all that he really means it! I try to put myself in his place, and imagine what it is like to look into the cold black eyes of a Gray, and remember the experience consciously. I cannot. I do look at pictures of them, but mostly I feel neutral, or a kind of kinship with them. A part of me recoils in fear at the thought of getting up close and personal with one, but a harmless snake will give me that feeling, too. I do enjoy the debate on this subject, but until CAUS wins its battle, that is all we CAN do: debate. I'd like to believe we all want the same thing: truth."

2) UFORC thanks CAUS and (anonymous) who writes: "You had an excellent debate which illustrated the viewpoint of two major camps of people on this planet in regard to the alien abduction abuse situation. If you'll allow me, I'd like to comment on this issue as well.There are a number of assumptions here that don't jive with me. First, that by committing heinous acts to "a handful" of people on this planet (which by the way, has actually added up into the millions), that this somehow counteracts the global environmental problem. That doesn't make sense since these are two totally unrelated issues. The process of abducting people for various unethical means (like breeding, slavery and experimentation), often traumatizing them in the process, has no impact on ending the nuclear weapons threat, alleviating air pollution, or ending the coral reef "bleaching" problem that is killing off the oceans' food chain at its base. Secondly, there is the assumption that the aliens abusing us are somehow designated to be "in charge" of this planet and its people. By what justification are they the ruling authority in this system? By their technology? I think not. Just because a group of humanoids have advanced space flight and energy based weapons capability does not automatically make them better, wiser, or more principled. The crux of judging them then is not by their technology, but by their spirituality, or rather, their lack of it."Judge them by their fruits."Not by their technology.Eventually there is going to be a Rebellion against those forces that have abducted and abused people from this planet for thousands of years. In the Star Wars films, art imitates life. There really is an oppressive galactic empire and this planet will remain victimized by it until we can fight them off and become autonomous as a people."The first casualty of every war is the truth."That Rebellion will not succeed (or more accurately: will continue to fail) through conventional military means since the Space Race aliens have a much greater technological prowess. The solution in defense must come from a source that the Space Races lack. SOL Mysticism suggests that the ultimate solution in ousting hostile aliens from this system will come from individual rarefied spiritual development that will be fully actualized after one leaves the flesh and unites directly with the White Light of God; this is the only potential telekinetic military advantage that we have in defeating them.Thank you both for your intelligent and well-thought out commentaries on the alien issue.Keep Radiating That Spiritual White Light!"

3)UFORC thanks CAUS and (anonymous) who writes: "I enjoyed this debate, and appreciated both sides of the argument, withexception to the inferred statement that these alien beings are somehow"enlightened."When the Spanish explorers came to the New World, they were technologicallysuperior, but far from enlightened. Their sole purpose for exploration wasbased on GREED. And to this end, the let nothing/no one stand in their way.They too "implanted" their "subjects" with bacteria, killing thousands.They too committed assaults of a sexual nature upon them.And when they were thru, left the areas they had visited without so much asa thank you; just went back to their "ships" and hastily departed.I see nothing whatsoever "enlightened" about such behavior.Just "different boys" with "better toys."At least we pet our dogs and cats and try to console them as we take themfor their 'shots.'"

4)UFORC thanks CAUS and (anonymous) who writes: "In answer to RT's post, I think this young person is verybright and makes a lot of sense. How many times as youngsters were wetold: we are doing this for your own good and someday you'll thank usfor this. We, the human race are being prepared for something and no oneI know has a reasonable explanation as to what that is, or could it justbe for our own good again. We need intervention here because we are in aself-destruct mode and I see no escape without direct intervention. Wehave to stop listening to the lies of Government and start payingattention to what is going on right over our heads. They will never tellus the truth because it would only expose more liars involved in thecover-up. As an abductee I would like to tell this person not to give upand to pursue the truth at all costs for this could make all thedifference in the world as we know it for truth is stranger than fictionand I for one will stand by you in this search. RegardsPS If you haven't supported the CAUS and you are reading this thenplease make a donation for the truth."

5)UFORC thanks CAUS and Scott who writes: "Thank you for allowing this dialog to be shared among the other members of CAUS. It gives words to the innate feelings that I and I'm sure, others have about the issues of Abduction and the government cover-up and possible duplicity. At first your arguments reminded me of a certain group active in ufology which believes in the ultimate good intentions of these visitors. A blind faith that supposes that since these visitors are so technologically advanced, ergo they must be advanced ethically and morally. Some in this group even choose to discount or discredit the abduction phenomena because, I suppose, it doesn't fit in with the image that they project onto the "benevolent" purpose of the ET presence. The bottom line is-we are not lab rats... (and maybe we don't need to treat lab rats the way we do anyway)."


1)UFORC thanks CAUS and Tom *snip*, who writes: "The dialogue with R.T. frames the issues we face. Those tracking spiritualmessages expect benevolence from higher evolved beings. It does not seem tohappen in many cases of reported contact. Is it a matter of plane truth? Alla question of which plane of a universe of multidimensional reality anindividual may be dealing with? I don't know. Ken Carey's work, including "Return of the Bird Tribes," implies that ourdestiny is to take human biology to find and seed galactic planets insituations like ours. "No biological species has before looked up of its ownand taken charge of itself as an independent, spiritual being. Nowhere elsein this galaxy has the maintenance of this precise temperature zone resultedin a biological network of intelligent, global-species circuitry,simultaneously both spirit and matter. Never before did the biologicalcreature choose of itself, did the clay speak to us and say, "I am a woman.I am a man. I am a tribe, a nation, teach me." p. 194-195As a race, our only problem is infection with a "warrior consciousness"which population growth will force out of the system, making cooperation theprimary tool - now 80% to 90% of all actions. I think competition will beput into its proper perspective as the "creative tension" betweensustainable systems. Competition is win-win testing, not life or death. Thecreative tension/resistance strengthens. That is how the last become first -and then the reversal begins with the formerly first, now being lastreenergized to remain sustainable through time. Our own history shows manycivilizations have not been able to do this. What about hostile grays? The message through Carey: "The potential of this universe is limitless. Her revelations of potential are infinite beyondnumber. But there are no star wars or advanced and fearsome civilizationsbeyond your own; because if civilizations are fearsome, they do not advancebeyond your own. They become extinct, to rise up in the soils of anotherworld, a little wiser, until they learn," p. 134 The messages in Ken Carey'sbooks presume a loving spirit based universe about 12 billion years old inthis iteration. Moving from Shakespeare's "All the world is a stage," we are now perhaps 6.5billion characters in search of an author who self-organize for the next act. There is another perspective of how our entry into intergalactic societywill occur and what we need. It is presented as."

2). UFORC thanks CAUS and 'The Greater CommunityTeaching' found at that writes: "R.T., I read with interest your initial viewpoint about alien abductions, then your abrupt reversal once you yourself were faced with it. I'm deeply sorry you yourself underwent such a horrible experience, but am glad that at least it gave you a better perspective on the situation.I would simply like to offer you an alternative possibility as to what may be going on, just a theory--Is it possible, even remotely, that our own government is behind it all? Whether it is our government or actually aliens performing these heinous crimes, I believe we have the right to know the truth. The more I study the UFO and related phenomenon, I find I keep coming up with the same questions. What would aliens have to gain, compared to what would our own government have to gain?Aliens, should they exist and be the perpetrators, obviously have technologythat is advanced enough to have eliminated the human race ages ago. I do suspect that there is at least some alien influence involved in our human history, which has been and is being researched in great detail. If they've been involved with us for so long, why? My first reaction would be to wonder if we humans weren't some sort of "experiment"! (Maybe one that has not gone as planned, and perhaps they are even trying to figure out where their equations went so wrong!) If we are an experiment, then they would not view us as intelligent life forms deserving of respect, not on their level at any rate. They may be so far advanced that they've moved beyond emotional reasoning to a purely intellectual view of the universe, becoming disassociated with it in some ways. Certainly, I don't excuse what they've done in any way. I'm just seeking to understand in some way these events and make some sense of them. Alternatively, what if it is our very own government? If it is, what would they have to gain? Quite a few things, as a matter of fact. Technically, biological warfare research was banned some time ago. Having been involved in drug research myself, I have a firsthand understanding that no treatment can be truly deemed effective for humans until it has undergone human trials, in order to determine any side-affects, the proper "dosage," and to document both the short-term and long-term affects of said treatment.Understanding that, is it not at least possible that our own fellow citizens, yourself included, are being used as guinea pigs by subversive elements of our own government? Many, many studies have shown just how responsive the human mind is to suggestion. Wouldn't an implantation of a possibly false memory of being abducted by aliens, subjected to horrible procedures, and being violated in ways that touch all of our deepest fears, be the PERFECT cover story to avoid the truth being known? Please know that I am not in any way stating that alien abductions are not real. I'm merely suggesting another possible explanation. And to me, if it is our government behind it, then there is no hesitation on my part in demanding justice for the victims. If aliens actually are behind it all, then I honestly don't know what we can do to stop the cruelty. But if it is our government, then I sincerely hope people will be open enough to face the possibility and do something about it.I would like to suggest a possible way to determine the truth one way or another. It will take a long time and a lot of patience and perseverance, but perhaps there is a chance it could work. I would suggest that some alien abductees volunteer to be monitored, followed, and filmed over an extended period of time, to see if we can catch them in the act, whoever is performing these acts. It will take some serious and caring volunteers to do this, and to try and prevent discovery by those we don't want to know what is going on, it would have to be set up very privately, not using phones, Internet, or other traceable means.Maybe that sounds crazy, but to me it's no crazier than the violations being perpetrated on my fellow citizens! I for one want the ones responsible caught in the act, and forced somehow to be accountable for what they've done."

3.)UFORC thanks CAUS and Lindy, who writes: "Reading a wide variety of PCEs, especially in book form, either aboutfirst hand personal experiences are about investigations into personalexperiences by others leads me to these preliminary personal conclusions(which are definitely subject to change based on more and better currentinformation): 1) We have been visited by extraterrestrial for thousands of years. 2) The ETs now want us to know they are making these visits and aremaking themselves known by direct contact. 3) We are being contacted by many different species of ETs from manyplaces in the galaxy/universe, and possibly from many dimensions. 4) We don't know all of the reasons they are visiting us, although wemay know a few of the reasons. 5) ETs can make themselves visible to us at will. 6) ETs can make us see them in any form they like (as gray's, as"Nordics" as humanlike or as just another human). 7) Our military has not duplicated the ETs" vehicles or methods ofpropulsion* and probably won't for hundreds of years (unless the ETsdecide to reveal it to us)."

4)UFORC thanks CAUS and Janet, who writes: "We have no control over our Abductions. They come when they want to. They do certain experiments on us without our OK. A lot of us get through it, grant you at times. We feel that they are giving us Knowledge in time for their experiments with us, our children, our grandchildren. I am meeting more and more people that have felt that something has happened to them and yes many are aware of what has happened, be it good or horrible. We try and GET AS MUCH TRUTH as we can in the experiences that we share. To let people know that we understand what others have endured and will still endure. To me the MAJOR Stepping Stone in this whole Phenomenon is to have the Government admit that YES there are BEINGS from other places, be it other planets, universes, or dimensions. Till that takes place it will always be a Mystery (Sad to say) and many people will feel that they don't belong and will seek emotional help and be ostracized by people and the like. Do we ostracize our pets? Never, we love them and get along with them, and they understand what we feel, just as some of the beings may. Grant you I don't approve of what they DO, since I, my children and my grandchildren are all abductees. But wouldn't life be more secure and balanced, If we were TOLD THE TRUTH? Well, Peter KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK beCAUS, We need more people like you That are DEDICATED to GETTING the TRUTH out there."

5)UFORC thanks CAUS and Carl, who writes: "This has been the most ridiculous argument I have heard in a long time. Point number one (1) RT's argument boils down to "The end justifies themeans." Mankind has opposed his philosophy for centuries. THE END NEVERJUSTIFIES THE MEANS. Hitler had great intentions in purifying the AryanRace of the cancer and plague of Judaism. A nations battle tanks haverolled against political dissidents i.e. Tienaman Square, Hungary,Czechoslovakia. Iraq, US Military vs Native Americans and Waco in ourown time. Advance flying machines with aliens is no different The endjustifies the means. The only good ??? whatever is a dead ??? whatever.There is a great battle raging in the cosmos between the forces of goodand evil. The end will always justify the means for the evil ones andhere misguided minions of followers, fellow travelers et. all.6) Edward W. Burke ( writes: R.T.'s first premise-- Humans are evil and destroying the earth. The scienceis still out on this. I fear that we are making lots of decisions now onflimsy evidence. As for depletion of resources, over population, one ofthe best solutions to this would be to get off planet. I don't see ET'shelping with this. They have occasionally destroyed space mission.Second premise-- ET's are here to save the planet. How? What are theydoing that's so wonderful? Based on their spacecraft propulsion systemsthey could solve our energy & green house problems. I don't see any helpcoming. I think Dr. Jacob's may be on the right track. The Grays intend to move in& take over. Maybe very quietly and carefully, but they seem to have nointerest in human society or culture. The only interest they have reallyshown is in human families."

Stanford U student

1) UFORC thanks Caus and R.T.: "Please post 'as is' and not excerpts. That's all I ask! Thanks.I'm a Stanford-bound college student pursing a double major inmathematics and computer science. I average a 4.05. I've been published in the localnewspaper, I receive high praise from my teachers, friends, associates and employers. I'm 18 years old. Last year, I received a medal of honor from Congressmember Vic Fazio for being one of "California's most talented art students"specifically for Creative Writing. While I don't have dozens of years backed with aplethora of credentials, I have a voice and hope to be heard. As I'm reading the numerous reports and opinions regarding the alienabduction phenomena, I only see a one-sided, extremely slanted view. AsEvan Peelle, who has a doctorate in psychology from the University ofMichigan commented, "Gray's are oppressing, violating and harming people," andthat, "they often cause physical and/or emotional damage and pain." Everyoneon this mailing list hears horror stories of gruesome, often dehumanizing,alien abductions that are tantamount to rape. But no one on this mailing listseems to hear what I'm about to debate. Peelle may argue that the "Gray" race has managed to convince me thatthey are benevolent and might even stipulate that I'm being controlled totry to convince all of you that they are entities working in our bestinterest. I'm not trying to attack Peelle, but am merely debating heropinions. Peelle's particular line of thought, along with many others, isthat the alien beings violate free will and therefore they cannot bebenevolent.They perform dozens of various medical experiments on usagainst our will; their approach during abduction often instills absoluteshock and terror in us; they paralyze us, manipulate our memories, track uslike animals (we are animals) throughout our entire life. Imagine yourself a very young child, around two or three years of age.You're in a room with white walls, a table and a chair. Tall figures wearingwhite coats with shiny metallic objects wrapped around their necks arescurrying about. One of them approaches you, pulls out a long needle andstabs you. You cannot possibly comprehend that you're getting vaccinated andyou're in a doctor's office. You only feel pain, fear, and confusion.Similarly, when someone is abducted, they only feel pain, fear andconfusion. Even after, they are confused and often suffer some long termemotional pain. But you're not a child, you can think like an adult -- sothat scenario shouldn't apply? Or should it? Even if the aliens tried to explain themselves, tried to get yourpermission and cooperation, I'm sure there are some things you wouldoutright refuse. How about letting them borrow your sperm or egg to create ahybrid alien/human? Would you agree to an anal probe? I doubt you'd let themstick a needle through your eye so they could implant a small device deep inyour brain, would you? If these beings had to get your permission, you'd besitting around the operation table with your lawyer negotiating the detailsof the experiment. >From the aliens' perspective, there are six billion human beings. Whatis personal distress to a handful of them? What if they don't view humans asindividuals, but as organisms a part of a whole? A tree is a part of Earth,its trunk deeply rooted in Earth's dirt. All trees are a part of Earth. Treesand dirt ARE Earth. In fact, every thing on Earth is Earth. Why shouldhumans be separate entities, somehow 'above' being a part of Earth? We areEarth. But as we are a part of Earth, we're also destroying Earth. Look at us!Nuclear weapons of mass destruction, pollution, greenhouse, waste,overpopulation, depletion of natural resources, et cetera. We'resystematically and efficiently killing Earth and therefore ourselves. It'sas though humans make an effort to destroy Earth. We put nuclear waste deepinto the Earth's crust, explode nuclear weapons in the atmosphere, dumptoxic materials into the sea ... we manage to destroy every part of ourecosystem. We force other organisms into extinction while slashing andburning precious rain forest. We're a disease stricken, extremely hostileprimitive fungus growing on Earth, depending on how you look at it. I'm nottalking about the beauty of the individual, but as a whole, humans arechildren dirtying their sandbox. Aliens might be interested in what makes the human so destructive. Ireally don't know what the aliens are doing to us, but I have hope that theyare working in nature's best interest, the planet's best interest. Whyshould we put ourselves above every other organism on Earth? Is it better tolet the human race continue along its present course? In fifty years almostall of our natural resources will be depleted. Nuclear warfare in fiftyyears also seems imminent, as third world countries arm themselves withnuclear power. Do you think aliens are going to passively sit by and watch abeautiful planet self-destruct because some organisms on it have a dispute?NO! To all those who have been abducted, you may be shaking your heads at me.Would it surprise you if I told you I've been "abducted" ? I prefer that thealiens "brainwash" the experiences out of me. It's not important, I'd ratherNOT remember it. I'm afraid of being abducted because I'm human. It's notwrong to be afraid. We generate our own fear. They're not making us "afraid" or"fearful" -- we're masters of our own emotions. Their experiments are not pleasant, but try to focus on the bigger picture. You can either think the aliens are acting for the greater good or thegreater evil. But I think human nature is the greater evil. The individual is beautiful.Love is beautiful. Art is beautiful. Many, many experiences in human nature are absolutely beautiful. What humans are doing to Earth -- that is the greater evil. Ultimately, you should consider both possibilities to the alien abduction phenomena. Nothing in history is ever completely one way or the other. The truth usually lies somewhere between two radical views. Likewise, the truth probably lies somewhere between the greater good and the greater evil scenarios. Consider this before rushing to judgment. Aliens may not be as evil, deceptive, manipulative and cold as most portray them."

2)UFORC thanks CAUS for their reply: "You write that 'You can either think the aliens are acting for the greater good or thegreater evil.' No need to think. There is evidence that infers it is for something other than the greater good of humanity...though not necessarily a greater evil. The acts reported by abductees amount to crimes which, if committed by human perpetrators, would be prosecutable. ETs should respect our laws, separate and aside from whether humans respect their own laws. They are the '"enlightened: ones according to why aren't they acting with respect for our lifeform. And personally I do not care about the motivation of aliens. I alone will determine what's best for me....and not a lifeform which, by its very name, is presumably hostile. Trust is the key...and I see no reason to trust any alien lifeform that remains hidden in the darkness of the night. I see no respect by '"them" for us. Do you?And what is the truth about alien kidnappers and alien serial rapists. Are they above our laws? What is their code of ethical behavior regarding other lifeforms? And we are not talking about history...we are talking about the now. People are reporting nonconsensual invasions of their home, their families and their bodies....and you want to find a benevolent explanation. I suggest that one should determine another lifeform's intent by its actions. Where have you learned that this type of behavior is benevolent? Abuse is abuse my friend. Why do you interpret another's experience for them and in a way that is inconsistent with the reported behavior of the perpetrators? It would appear that we have trouble enough interpreting own experiences, let alone thousands of other peoples.You write that 'Aliens may not be as evil, deceptive, manipulative and cold as most portray them.' Well, then my friend, do they just act that way for some benevolent purpose?"

3)UFORC thanks CAUS and R.T. for this response: "I didn't think my posting would incite an offended response. You seemed todownplay my opinion in a multitude of rather demeaning statements. I supportthe CAUS, I was not trying to spread an anti-CAUS opinion. I've even donatedmoney to CAUS and offered my programming expertise free of charge. Toreiterate, this was not a personal attack on you or CAUS. This is anopinion, my friend. And let me further clarify my opinion, point by point. Itake it my posting will not be forwarded to those on your mailing list andthat you are painting a one sided picture to members of CAUS. This greatlydisturbs me, as all opinions should be weighed in order for a cleareropinion to ultimately emerge. We're searching for truth, right? I agree, ETs should respect our laws. But they don't and they never will.They have an objective, or several objectives, and those objectives will bemet without regard to human laws or morals. I'm arguing: why would thesecreatures take such drastic measures unless it were absolutely necessary?Unless issues of morality and legality could be disregarded, would theirventure ever succeed? They are the enlightened ones, yes -- that's exactlywhy we don't understand that what we perceive as pain and violations of freewill are for our own good.You may not care about the motivations of these aliens, but they don't careabout what's best for you as an individual either. Why should they? If Earthas a whole is at stake, you are but one among billions. The law is avehicle to minimize anarchy, maximize personal freedom and individuality,and create an environment in which all citizens can peacefully realize theirpotential as humans. What these aliens are doing, in secrecy and behind theshield of darkness, directly violates human rights, laws of ethics andmorality. It's frightening, it's scary, it's a 'necessary evil.' Humans,relative to a mouse, are enlightened, are they not? When behavioral psychologists ingrain some 'learned behavior."


The UFO Resource Center has formed a group of experienced counselors who are equipped to tackle the challenges that the UFO phenomnon represents. We are now offering "The Chapel" as an alternative to conventional shock therapy. This program is currently available for ufo contactees and experiencers. It is especially recommended for those who aren't satisfied with the usual procedures and medical practices available today. This web site will put you in touch with people that are equipped to counsel those suffering from what is otherwise known as "Personal Contact Experiences. Please click here to visit THE CHAPEL. Then, send us your feedback and comments and tell us what you think about our novel concept! In your service,
Christopher Montgomery.
International Director of A UFO Resource Center


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