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[School Link Header]

Magazine Article Template
Drag and COPY the HTML below, then paste it into your EDITOR. If you are using ANGELFIRE, just create a page in the ADVANCED EDIT Mode, paste the HTML into your editor, and replace the info with your TITLE, SUBTITLE, ARTICLE, PERSONAL INFORMATION.

Here's the HTML for your article:

<body topmargin=8 leftmargin=8 background="" alink="#0000FF" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" link="#003542" vlink="#003542">
<map name="head">
<area shape="rect" coords="210, 50, 270, 77" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="280, 50, 380, 78" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="390, 50, 480, 79" href="">
<area shape="rect" coords="490, 50, 600, 78" href="">
<img src="/wa/WorldHistory/images/head.jpg" usemap="#head" alt="School Link Header" border=0>
<blockquote> <blockquote> <blockquote>

<h2> <font color="red">SUBTITLE</font> </h2>

<p> Type Your Article Here
<p> Type Your Article Here
<font size="1"> A School Link Article. <i>
Courtesy of <font color="blue"> Your Name, Your School, Date </font> .


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