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w h a t . i . c a l l . a s i a n . p r i d e

i'm going to tell you a secret.
there is this theory
that because a cue ball is white
and an eight ball is black
and the yellow ball is number one
that asians are the best
looming above the rest.
the theory goes
that because we are asian
all the other races
must bow down to us
and admit our superiority
the theory says
that we must pity anyone
not of the yellow denominASIAN
anyone lacking brown relASIAN
the theory dictates
that asians must
back up only asians
support only asians
date only asians
see only asians
admire only asians
read only asians
create only asians
and love
only asians.
this theory tries to pass for
and it thinks that it's all that
when it is most obviously none of it.
it proclaims itself
all over the streets
through the windows of racers
on the designer labels of t-shirts
in millions of computer screens
and in your backyard.

but if the whole goal was
to break down barriers
embrace all cultures
than this theory is an antithesis
building a wall between us and them
that stretches farther than...
reaches farther than...
considering a wall serves a dual purpose
keeping everything outside out
holding everything inside in
by which the best of every world
is never experienced by another
a loss greater than...
a loss greater than...

i long to scream at you
that's not what pride is!

asian pride is being able to stand up
and take credit for
the good things that have been done
by asians
and to live as a remedy
for the bad.
asian pride is the ability to say
"i know my history, but can you truthfully claim that?"
asian pride is making sure that
pride is all it is;
when it starts to shun others
or places itself on a pedestal
high above the world
it becomes hate.
asian pride is the ability
to step out of the Far East
and come with dignity into the North, South, and West
bringing with you
enough of your culture
to be identified
enough to remind you
to never forget.
asian pride is respecting your elders
because that's what's expected
and not trying to convert them to
by acting like the stereotypical
rude American child.
asian pride is the appreciation
of all the positive accomplishments
of asians
and by promoting them,
it is trying to merge them
not assimilate them
into mainstream culture.
asian pride is not haughty, boastful, ugly, or spiteful
and is not power-hungry,
cannot be found on clothing,
does not shout its own praises,
is not transparent,
is not self-serving,
and does not hate.
instead, it is love
through culture
and a changing of that theory into one that knows
that asian pride is not pride per se
but a remembrance of the Pain
a reminder of the Resistance
freedom from the Ignorance
shelter from the Destruction
and continual Evolution
so that the people of which the pride consists
can find in it release
from the binding chains of hatred
and can learn that asian pride is merely a symbol
of a universal strength
a unified strength
a greater love which, in itself,
is pride
in the very best sense of the word.

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Copyright © February 02, 1999 Angel Artistries. All rights reserved.