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b i t c h

your girls called me a bitch today.
just like they did yesterday
and the day before.

(i cried.)

i thought that of all names
*bitch* was the one thing that i was above.
but they kept doing it.

and you know what?
i got used to the title
i'm even starting to like it.
say it a few times.

see how nicely it rolls off your



it makes me feel strong. it makes me feel worthy.

it makes me feel loud and proud and crude and crass
enough to tell those girls and the world
 "you can kiss my ass
i don't need you"

so now i don't mind.
and i won't cry anymore.
and i know now how ignorant they are

         they say i'm a bitch
         like it's a bad thing.

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Copyright © March 21, 1999 Angel Artistries. All rights reserved.