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2nd Fallschirmjaeger Regiment of Washington     



Overview | Rules | Visitors


Throughout history, the German soldier has been one of the most respected and feared opponents. This is especially true of German soldiers in World War II. Unfortunately, German soldiers (especially SS) in World War II were guilty of numerous atrocities, including murderous reprisals against innocent civilians, killing prisoners-of-war, and operating concentration camps.

To many people, German soldier and Nazi are synonymous. This is not necessarily true. The average German soldier, including most SS troops, were not members of the Nazi party. Most German soldiers (including many SS) were drafted. The average German soldier, like his opponent, was just an average citizen who ended up in uniform, and was desperately hoping to make it home alive. This, of course, does not excuse the actions of those Germans who did, in fact, commit crimes against humanity; but merely serves as a basis from which to explain that not ALL Germans were guilty.

Realizing that the average American has an immediate and extreme negative reaction to what they believe the German soldier (“Nazi”) to personify, a set of rules regarding conduct and behavior is necessary.

The goals of our organization are to educate the public and honor the memory of soldiers of World War II through the display and demonstration of the uniforms, weapons, equipment, and tactics used is World War II. It is difficult to educate someone if their initial reaction is one of disgust or horror.


The following rules will be adhered to:

1. German uniforms (especially those parts of the uniform displaying the swastika, SS runes, deaths-head, or readily identifiable as German - such as the helmet) will not be worn outside of the immediate display, demonstration, or reenactment area. Any further rules/restrictions desired by the hosting agency regarding wear or display of German uniforms, flags, insignia, etc. will be followed.

2. Display of the swastika, SS runes, or any emblem readily perceived as “Nazi” will be restricted to the absolute minimum required for historical accuracy. We will not, for example, fly the Nazi flag, or use the “Nazi” salute.

3. Fellow members, and especially visitors, will be treated with the utmost politeness, courtesy, and respect. Any individual attempting to provoke a confrontation based upon their perception of our goals, purposes, or actions should be politely ignored, or referred to the unit or club leadership. At no time should we be provoked into a hostile response. Threats of violence should immediately be reported to the unit commander, board of directors, hosting agency, and if necessary, law enforcement agencies.

4. Members are not permitted to use club events as a forum to advocate their personal beliefs. We are, and will remain, non-political. The club is NOT a Nazi, neo-Nazi, survivalist, or “militia” organization. Speeches, discussions, and dissemination of information (in any form) judged not to be in the best interests of the NWHA, or directly related to the aims and goals of the NWHA, are forbidden.

5. The rules, regulations, and by-laws of the NWHA German forces, and the individual unit are to be adhered to at all times. Violators will be dealt with severely.

The German soldier is traditionally well known for his discipline and his honor. This is a tradition which we shall continue. Discipline is the hallmark of the soldier. One component of discipline is obedience to rules. The soldier who wishes honor, will first exhibit discipline.


Visitors Policy for German units is as follows:

1. A visitor must call one of the unit commander prior to the event and ask permission to attend and fight with that unit.

2. A visitor will act as a private regardless of uniform rank.

3. A visitor must fall within the scope of one of the units already portrayed in the NWHA.

4. A visitor is allowed to come twice a year as a visitor. A third visit and he will join one of the existing units and accept the German battalion rules and rank and award guidelines.

5. Upon joining the club a veteran German reenactor can submit in writing an account of his previous experience to be considered towards rank and awards.

6. ANY EXCEPTIONS To these rules MUST BE pre-approved by the battalion commander BEFORE the event.