DISCLAIMER: Let’s see now...I own Solana, Kallin, a
little baby, and myself. Anyone else is owned by whomever created DragonBallZ
and Christopher Khayman Lee owns himself. BTW, Hana means “Flower” in Japanese.
As the Sun Smiles:
Chapter One
"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I groggily got out of my warm, loving bed and walked over to where Hana's crib was located. As I picked her up to soothe her, though, I couldn't help the steady rush of love I felt for this baby. I had decided to keep her tail (full moon or not, it's a part of her!) and she wrapped it around my arm as usual.
"Shhh... You don't want Sa--Mama to look bad when Chris comes over tomorrow, do you?" It was pretty obvious she didn't want me to be very awake tomorrow when her crying only worsened. I decided to pull out the secret weapon: I sang.
"Quickly now, quickly blow out the candle. Say your prayers, don't despair, pull the door handle. All to sleep, rest your head. Nothing's gonna harm you in your bed. Close your eyes, say a prayer, when you wake up in the morning we'll all be here. Quickly now, quickly blow out the candle. Say your prayers, don't despair, pull the door handle. All to sleep, all to sleep, all to sleep,"I sang. The song was from a Sleeping Beauty variation I owned. I put the sleeping Saiyajin baby back in her crib and quietly crawled back into my warm, inviting bed.
The next morning, Chris came over to help me with Hana.
"Hey babe." Chris gave me a quick kiss on the cheek before taking Hana into his arms. As soon as he had her, I went over to my computer and pulled up an e-mail that had been sent to me by someone named "Bulma".
Apparantly, she was throwing a party and wanted me to be there as well as Chris.
"...and we won't be able to leave Hana alone or with anyone else. You know how she gets," I finished explaining to my wonderful boyfriend (I wish!).
"Then we'll just have to take her with us," he calmly replied. I groaned. Somehow, I didn't think a baby with a tail and special powers wouldn't be looked upon as "normal". Why God felt like doing this to me, I did not know.
Twas the night of the party and I was all dressed up in a golden silk dress. Hana was wearing a cute little flower dress with a blanket wrapped around her. While I was pondering as to how I was going to be able to dance with Chris and hide Hana's tail at the same time, the doorbell rang. I answered the door with Hana in my arms.
"Ready to go, *koishii?" smiled down a VERY handsome Chris. His black tux with red waist thingy was P-E-R-F-E-C-T perfect.
The party was just beginning when we arrived at Capsule Corp. Bulma was there to great us in a stunning blue spaggetti strap gown. She noticed Hana in my arms right away.
"I didn't know you had a baby!" she exclaimed. "She's so adorable!"
"Oh, well, you see, I knew her parents and adopted her when they were killed," I hastily explained.
"Oh, that's just fine with me. That's a tail! Why didn't you tell me she was a Saiyajin baby? I have two demi-saiyajin children!" As she led me inside, Bulma introduced me, Chris, and Hana to everyone. Something told me I had worried over nothing.
*Apparently, koishii means "darling".
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