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G.D. of the Saiyajin
part 4

Disclaimer:Saban owns Power Rangers, Akira Toriyama owns DBZ, and I'm stuck with Sarah,SarahA, and Tia. Oh, lucky me. I also own a giant mutated slug. But that's a story on my friend, John's, Page.Check out the story!*giggle*
I'd like everyone to know I support Ashley and Andros' romance. Also, Karone can have Carlos. They belong together. In other words, I still get Zhane. (YAY!)

Still on the Megaship...
"Carlos! Would you leave that poor chicken alone?!" exclaimed Karone.
Carlos stopped hitting TJ over the head with a rubber chicken long enough to look at his girlfriend. Then asked, "Why?"
Karone sighed. 'WHY did the writer stick me with him?! Why not someone like her fictional character Josh from her Starlina Series?'
Back on the simudeck, SarahA and Zhane were having a blast--
hOLD ON A MINUTE!!!Yes? hOW COME i DON'T HAVE A GIRLFIREND?!? Because you're annoying. Now go away. *flicks hand and TJ disappears* As I was saying, SarahA and Zhane were having a blast watching DragonBallZ.
"I'm having a blast watching DragonBallZ," Zhane told SarahA.
"I know, sweetie," SarahA said without moving her eyes away from the TV screen."Kill him, Gohan! Kill him! KILL THAT STINKIN' CELL!!!!!"
Zhane just stared at SarahA. Meanwhile, Sarah was watching them with great interest.
'If I ever get back to my world, I'll let Vejita, Bulma, and Trunks go.' Thought the Grand Dutchess to herself.
Elsewhere, on the Bridge...
The pink Astro Ranger, Tia, stood with her fiancee, the Phantom Ranger. (nobody, not even Tia, knows who he is.)
"Phantom, are you EVER going to tell me your name? I mean, I'm your FIANCEE! I promise I won't tell anyone!" begged Tia.
"My name is--" Phantom was cut off by a very Ashley-like scream.
hee hee

I know I'm cutting it off short. It's just that you've been waiting for this chapter for months now. It shall be continued in chapter 5.