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Grand Duchess of the Saiyajin

Part 5

Disclaimer: If you think I own anyone besides Sarah, SarahA, Tia, and a giant mutated slug named George from Pasadena, you are dead wrong. BTW, Starhawk is a PRiS fan fic writer who is very inspirational. ^_^


          When everyone got to Ashley’s room, they found a large spider on her floor and Ashley standing on a chair.  Sarah “hmphed” and blasted the spider to non-existence. The others just stared.

Back in Sarah’s real world…

          Vejita stared at the floor trying to think of a way to get Bulma and Trunks out of there.  Bulma watched him from where she was still super-chained to the wall.

            “Don’t worry, woman.  I’ll get you and the brat out of here no matter what,” Vejita reassured her.  ‘Sarah, why are you doing this to us?  I love you, little cousin.’

Out at the author’s island and mansion…

          The author sat at her computer trying to figure out what should happen next.  She’s also wondering if she should just ask Starhawk to finish writing her stories… NAH!

Skip to where Sarah currently is…

          Suddenly, the Astro Megaship started shaking and Sarah was pulled through a spiraling hole.  The others looked at each other, shrugged, and went back to their normal lives. 

Sarah’s real world…

          Sarah landed in front of Vejita with a thud.

          “Ouch!” she exclaimed. Vejita just stared. He couldn’t believe what he had just seen.  (Hey, neither can I!)

          “Sarah?” Vejita inquired as Sarah untied Bulma and Trunks.

          “I’ve decided to let you and your family go. Now get out of here before I change my mind!” Sarah ordered.  Vejita bowed and, scooping up his mate and son, flew out of there.  Sarah fell onto the ground and cried.  She cried for a family; for someone to hold her and to comfort her.  As the tears rolled down her cheeks, Sarah thought about Vejita and his family.  There was real love in them. 

          “What am I thinking?  No, what am I doing?!?!  I’m going soft!” said a startled Sarah. 

Zoom on over to Capsule Corp.

          Goku, Goten, Gohan, and ChiChi were all at Capsule Corporation, welcoming Bulma, Trunks, and Vejita back.  Suddenly, Sarah appeared before them.  Bulma, Trunks, and Vejita gasped.  Goku and Goten smiled big, goofy smiles.  ChiChi glared.  Gohan just stared in shock and wonder at this vision before him.  

          “Who—who are you?” Gohan asked, after finally finding his voice.

          “I am Vejita’s cousin, Sarah.  I have lived in darkness all my life and have found it to be quite lonely.  I would like, if Vejita should permit, to stay here with my cousin who reminded me what it is like to have love,” answered Sarah a bit nervously.

          “You don’t need my permission to do anything, Sarah.  You are my superior,” stated Vejita. 

[Insert One-Day Time Lapse Here]

          Sarah had moved in with Vejita and his family. Goku and Goten accepted her immediately.  ChiChi still wasn’t quite sure about Sarah.  Gohan—well, Gohan remained smitten with her.  And so, Sarah finally had love and joy; a family along with friends. 


Well, this was it!--The last chapter! WOO HOO!!!!! Time to PART-AY! *starts partying* teehee I hope you enjoyed reading this story, it sure took me long enough to write it. *LOL* But now it's finally finished! YAY!
But what's that you say? A sequel!? No way Jose! I've got enough things to write and put up without having to worry about a sequel to this thing. So sorry. Now I must be going. Lot's of things to do! ^_^

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