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Mutt Cats

This is Daphne as a kitten. She's now 4 years old.

We adopted Daphne from a city family. When I arrived at the house to pick her up, the woman constantly complained about her daughter bringing this pesky kitten home. Soon, this little white ball of fur streaked past me and attempted to climb this woman's leg. The woman grumbled and kicked this defenseless, less than 2 lb. kitten across the room. She then stated to me that that was the only way to teach them. At that moment, I knew I had to get this sweet thing out of that house. Daphne was a typical hyper kitten, but she showed some refined cat manners.

Persephone (Seffy for short) came from the farm. The farm house had innumerable cats. The owner never spayed her animals so kittens were having kittens. She showed me one kitten whose leg was crippled from the inbreeding. Seffy and her littermates had an eye infection, worms, and toxoplasmosis. Looking back, I wish I would have taken Seffy's sisters home with me just to nurse them back to health. But, knowing my lack of self restraint, I would have fallen in love with all of them. Seffy was rough around the edges. She reminded me of a tom-boy.

Seffy took some time to learn some of Daphne's city sophistication, but we love Persephone's barn cat mentality. Now, the two are inseperable, they eat, sleep, and play together, yet still take time out to get some loving from the humanfolk.

This is Persephone. She is also 4 years old.

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