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Salmonfly.Net Salmon and Steelhead Fly Tying Guide  In Memory of Yuri Shumakov

Tips and Techniques

Finishing The Fly

Fly Tying

Basic Tying Instructions

Anatomy of a Fly

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Finishing The FlyFinishing The Fly

Finished Fly Without a Shoulder and Finished Fly With a Shoulder

Clip the excess ends at a taper toward the eye so that you can finish with a neatly tapered head. The last you should tie in, if called for, would be the shoulder (usually jungle cock, similar material or imitations). Select two of medium size. Place one on one side of the wings. Tie it in at that point. Take the other shoulder feather and tie on the opposite side so that it matches the placement of the other. Now wind a neatly tapered head forward to the eye. Whip finish the thread, cut it, and finish with a few coats of lacquer or varnish for the affect you want (usually a smooth, glossy head).  

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