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Salmonfly.Net Salmon and Steelhead Fly Tying Guide  In Memory of Scotty Howell In Memory of Yuri Shumakov

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Thursday, March 27, 2025

Showing Your Flies or Photos on Salmonfly.Net

Fly Tying

Basic Tying Instructions

Anatomy of a Fly

Salmon and Steelhead Hooks

Fly Tying Tools

Materials Glossary

Fly Patterns

Fly Search

Match Flies to Species

Contributing Tyers

Show Your Flies Here

More Information 

Steelhead Facts

Pacific Salmon Facts

Tips and Techniques


Site Map




Photo Gallery


Thank you for your interest in displaying your flies or photos on this site. Salmonfly.Net has always relied on the generosity of contributors from all over the world in sharing their unique talents. If you would like to contribute photos of your flies, your fish , or of scenery please begin by filling out the form found by clicking on the button at the bottom of the page. The Salmonfly.Net Webmaster will get in touch with you by email and let you know how to proceed. ...first just a few general rules and ideas.

Photos of your Flies
1. Please send as much information as you can and include the number and  type of flies that you wish to submit. You can send additional information in the "Questions or Comments" text box.
2. Make sure your email contact information is correct, so we can get in touch with you.
3. Indicate if you would like to become a contributing fly tyer by checking the "Bio for Contributor Page"  box. You do not need to send a bio immediately, but we will know from there where to proceed.

Article Submission

Please check the "Article" box. Leave it blank if you do not intend to send an article.

Photos of You with Your Fish

1. Salmonfly.Net no longer displays a photo of the month as it did for several years. We will, however, accept photos of fish that you caught if they are in good taste and post them to the galleries page. Even though we realize that some fish are taken home for a meal, we reserve the right not to publish photos of fish that are dead on a stringer or bleeding.
2. Send as much information as you can about your photo in the "Questions or Comments" text box.
2. You will be contacted about request.

Please Note: Salmonfly.Net reserves the right to display photo submissions on other pages of the Salmonfly.Net site and use them for articles on the Salmonfly.Net site from time to time. Once your photos are submitted, however, you are granting Salmonfly.Net the right to use them on the Salmonfly.Net site only. They will not disseminated, sold, or shared with other sites, individuals or organizations.

With all of that in mind, please be assured that this is relatively simple, once you have submitted the form. You will be contacted very soon after your request is received.

Click on the button to bring up the form in a new window. Fill it out and click submit. That's it.

Get Request Form

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This page is maintained by Salmonfly.Net (Friday, January 30, 1998 to Thursday, March 27, 2025 )