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Salmonfly.Net Salmon and Steelhead Fly Tying Guide  In Memory of Yuri Shumakov 

Contributing Fly Tyers Series

The Flies of Otto Stieg Poulsen

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Anatomy of a Fly

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Otto at his fly tying bench.

Otto Stieg Poulsen has been around for awhile and is is a well-known in Denmark seatrout and fly-tying circles, so I was excited to be able to show his flies. I could not draw much out of him however, when I asked him to write about himself. He may be humble, but he is a prolific tyer and his work deserves more widespread recognition. That much I do know. Just look at his bench in the photo of him above and in the slideshow below. I also tried to to get him to give me the names and the the pattern for the fly photos he sent, but all he could only tell me that most had no name. He just tied them as "fantasy" a word I think that probably translates better as "from his imagination". Of course I should have known, that is what fly tyers to tie for fishing do.

But if I were to guess why Otto is showing his flies, I would say that he really just wants to share his work with as many people as he can.  He says that he is now 62 and has been fishing from when he was very young. He has had three heart operations in the last year and now he tries to live a full life - that means a lot of fishing and tying. So take some time to watch the slideshow and click on the thumbnail for one of Otto's most successful patterns. Maybe we can get him to share a few more patterns in the future.


Otto Stieg Poulsen Slideshow

The Widowmaker
The Widowmaker



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